Several media programs have recently given major attention to forgiveness as a solution to some human problems that plague not only individuals but society in general.  They do not relate the concepts and results to spiritual sources, and may not believe spiritual involvement is helpful to their understanding or purpose.  They would interpret the matter with documented studies showing forgiveness to be an effective solution to many human problems.  I would contend that forgiveness originated with God, giving a source reason to believe – to believe that something important to us ought to include spiritual motivation helping to make it effective and lasting.  Forgiveness, a vital factor in the Bible to qualify for heavenly citizenship, is foreshadowed in forgiveness as effective in nature so making mankind’s situation better than it would be without it.  The effectiveness of forgiveness given entirely from nature will bear some seeds of weakness revealed in: length of time which may stretch resolve, ongoing circumstances challenging continuance, and pressures of self-aggrandizement arousing anger, revenge, and the like.  Lasting forgiveness is divine.

Further, there is some forgetfulness in forgiveness, a forgetfulness we may not want to give.  It is often said, I will forgive, but I won’t forget.  We can be rather sure such forgiveness is not spiritually effective.  It will be claimed, but not possessed.  Scripture uses a simple illustration in that whatever God forgives he casts behind his back.  We then add: He never turns around.  Whatever is behind his back has no continuance.  Eternity has no interest in it.  The nature of God includes an erasure in it.  That which is holy is eternal in God’s kingdom, not measured by its past but by its present value to life, character and creativity.  Early in 2012, it was reported that France declared it illegal to deny that Turkey had made a genocide attack on Armenians in 1915.  The Turks now promise retaliation.  Such laws are opposite of what God would have, and what would serve society best.  The acts of tyrants must ultimately be forgiven, and for practical proof, be forgotten in present conduct.  Persons living in various countries today ought not have to bear indefinitely the sins of their fathers, just as they will not, without their own participation, benefit from the virtues of their fathers.  The German people today, except for a few disoriented neo-Nazis, would not countenance a person like Hitler, to govern the people.  We regret the horror, but we will not dredge it back and put it on the shoulders of persons unborn when it occurred.  This too is Scriptural policy.

On April 11, 2014, Pope Francis, in a magnificent statement, asked forgiveness for wrongs by the Church that he and those who know the history perceived.  The matter should end with the fruit of the repentance, and the ensuing conduct that does not visit that context of performance again.  Forgiveness is rewarded by improved thinking and conduct.  It belongs to God’s house, and to the world.  Evil is not denied, but in forgiveness it loses force.  The particular evil is dissolved.  If recall meddles, it is to be treated as fantasy, as a teaching factor, not to be treated seriously as any genuine interruption to current positive resolution.

This issue points to better performance, acceptance, problem solving, respect, desire to know what the pitfalls are, and to move in directions avoiding dangers.  Cultures need to utilize forgiveness as do: ethnic mistreatment, abused family members, and the like – self-forgiveness so to be free to become the better persons we can be.  But there is more.  Forgiveness can be given without request for it.  The forgiven person may not be assisted in the process, but the person forgiving is advanced as though the transaction were mutual in spiritual contract.  No one, unforgiving, can gain love’s fullness.  Virtues walk together when they are genuine, and achieve wholeness of purpose.  We do not wait for request to forgive.  Forgiving a person who does not want forgiveness is necessary for me in order to gain my own balance in my person.  I am as fully set free as if the request and the response were in harmony.  We are hearing persons affirm this discovery even in the popular media – as though it was unknown before this person discovered it.  That is life, what becomes a marvelous discovery to us was present all the while.  We credit an explorer, Columbus, for discovering America.  America was there all the while.  It was America that discovered Columbus.  God is there when we go there in faith. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020