There needs to be some method found to educate the public for personal and social belief and conduct.  The following schedule comprises my suggestion as a beginning for a national program of public and Citizen Education directed toward the development of a peaceful, fair and loving society: Annual 52 Weeks’ National Discussions – for Understanding the Education of a contributing citizen Nation for Life – Peace, Equality and Freedom to Maturity, Service and Wisdom.  It is assumed that the Calendar will be repeated each year amending with use to the improvement of democratic and peaceful life for the nation and recommended to other nations in their idioms.  The national education office would direct the program, neither political nor with any other duty, leaving the traditional education programs to the various states.

January1. The New Year – programming for national objectives, and projecting the national calendar.  2. Friendship – to persons, as individuals and groups – even nations.  3. Media and Message – use and development of media for constructive purpose in public and private life.  4. Winter-fest – Focus on the management of weather to life.  

February5. Inter-racial Observance and Objectives to unity.  6. History – an annual theme accent in review and projection.  7. Communications – personal and institutional.  8. Law – in personal and public belief and conduct.      

March9. Foundations – the call to persons and institutions of wealth to serve mankind in ever-growing influence.       10. Search – the seeking of ways to become the persons and nation we ought to become.  11. Transportation – ways to manage the travels of persons. 12. Volunteerism – ways to advise/participate general society through non-profit means.  13. Springtime – challenge to the nation relative to agriculture and earth management in renewable resources.        

April14. Resources – management and conservation.  15. Wisdom – the cultivation of national/personal wisdom.  16. Service – to self, mankind and nature   17. Courage – related to both personal and national/international life.   

May:   18. Sacrifice – an effort to reach out to persons in needy and tragic circumstances.  19. Longevity – the planning for care and dignity of the ill and aging in society.  20. Violations – the approach to rebellion and punishment for those who disregard the national vision for fair and just life.  21. Honor – to heroes, personally and nationally. 

June22. Clean and Repair – for private and public property.    23. Problem-solving – in personal and national contexts.   24. Recreation – for personal renewal   25. Happiness – the context development of a free nation.     

July26. Summer – Reporting on the progress of national education.   27. Equality – the level field of life for all persons. (July 4).  28. Challenge – to all to find funding and resources for public and private involvement in action for national life,   29. Ideas – old and new concepts that challenge life insight and improvement to change.       

August30. Nations – the open purpose to aid needy and striving nations in their search for a good society.    31Citizenship – the way persons develop appropriate life in a legal entity.  32. Acceptance – the substitute attitude needed that keeps peace when life goes wrong, acceptance that does not mean approval of that accepted from others. 33. Roles – the discovery of the roles we play in life and their functioning for personal satisfaction in person, family and society. 34.  Education – this may be treated at every level public and private, through all the age transitions.         

September35. Autumn – Reporting on the progress of general education.  36. Arts – development and meaning in the arts.  37. Values – the affirmation and support of personal and group values.  38. Altruism – the generosity needed for personal and social balance.  39. Wealth – management, government, investment, and reward/award.

October:  40. Honors – information on the achievements of persons and institutions aiding in the development of life interests in society.  41. Industry – business, labor and opportunity.  42. Style – as a force in society for good and ill. 43. American – what constitutes an American among the peoples of other nations, and suggested responses. 

November44. Electorate – duty and procedures.  45. Language – interests and approaches to national meaning.  46. Leadership/followership – the making of effective leaders and followers.   47. Family in Parenting – a necessity to the formation of the good life.   48. Thanksgiving: this theme can be an effective factor in the knowledge of the spirit of thanks even in the secular context, and beginning with the individual.  December:  49. Peace – actions and policies.  50. Health – personal, national and world.  51. Safety – in life and policy.  52. Faith and Life – understandings of faith in nature and/or God.  Faiths are now commonly announced and followed to variant degrees even among secularists.  The concept of In God We Trust appearing on legal tender can be given inclusive meanings for naturalists to accommodate differences.  The above suggestions are a beginning for national discussion to be edited for purpose.  With careful preparation and settling on weekly topics we can open public education to national wisdom.  (Note: Nations in the Graduate Series of Pages.)

*Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020