Approaching the end of about twenty years writing a Page for each day to cover a four years period, I feel the urge to accent the large concept of Christian culture projected into the earth cultures of the world.  It is a subject addressed just two days past in this series – and on other days through four years of: TODAY’S PAGE.  The projection is so large it needs to be underlined in thought and practice, so to contribute to the effective witness and model of Christianity for holistic life.  We hope to find the most straightforward and clear way to present the point advanced here.  The discussion begins with the assertion that the Christian and the atheist ought to be similar (righteous) to each other in general culture.  Earth life, in the way human earth life ought to be, should find a unity (righteousness/right) for all – made cohesive with agreed values.  God’s identity is carried through to humanity in the individual person’s relationship with Jesus Christ as projected in Scripture and personal experience.  This approach gives specificity to God.  The concept is given force in that Jesus Christ bearing both human and divine natures in his visit to earth found effective and fulfilling presence in what might be called a secular world.  We need to remember that his evaluation of the religion with which he was identified, and from which he did not shrink, was as stern as his statements about secular society.  He was effective in his own treatment of self and others holding morality (righteousness) in godly belief and conduct.  His relationships with others, both privately and in groups, were always favorable for peace, love, justice, freedom, family, work and order – both personally and socially.  We are driven to ask, what would we change from biblical instruction in government, education, humane experience of family, health, and other factors like general order related to the nourishment of self and society?  What is offered is an effective model, even without acknowledgment of God, for human management.  It is as though God is saying to mankind: Even if I am not included in human consideration, I want to make your earthly sojourn as pleasant and directed as you want it to be.  God is on the side of mankind even when mankind does not acknowledge him.  God doesn’t need anything from us.  We need what he offers – to do our best.  God is a person of good-will.  He will reserve his final evaluation and adjudication to the end of earth’s sojourn for all people.  It will be just and fair.  (Genesis 2:7; 3:19)

We hear politicians in debate, teachers in class, and pundits in the news arguing for better treatment for the needs of human beings and the state, including peace and safety for the care of citizens – especially for individuals, families, and children – even animals.  Listening we hear similar concepts as those propounded in Scripture for honesty, integrity, balance, work, rest, freedom, and the other general factors related to the good life and human responsibility to others in society.  To set this to working well, and keeping it in order we organize society, and do well when we face reality in both the laws of nature, and the duty to make the best of it as imperfect persons in what we face in human context.  Scripture gives force by its integrity related to the good, and morality given force in mankind, joined with duty and responsibility to form it for life, safety, and freedom of all persons.  We have a guide book, not only for the claims of spiritual life and a personal God, but for the organization of nations and their societies.

Christian application (affirmation) can take place under dictatorships, democracies, kingdoms, tribes, or whatever the society chooses to follow.  The secret of success/failure is not in the organizational theory of government, but in distortions of personal freedom needed by the people, providing services and safety that persons alone cannot perform, and holding to programs of truth about what is needed, and can be provided by those who possess more to those who have little.  The health, good-will, opportunity, peace, respect for the life of citizens is to be assisted by Christian service in any context.  For example, Scripture teaches good will to the visitor (alien) in the society.  No one was to be interpreted as an enemy, but to be treated with respect and acceptance.  The alien was expected to respect the host, and the culture.  In some way, not presently organized and communicated, Christians need to make public information of Christian humanism that belongs to society even when society has no open acknowledgment of God.

*Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020