We know that dramatic and meaningful shifts have occurred in history that changed the world.  It is said that an asteroid hit the earth in the present area of the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago, changing the earth substantially, destroying large animal species like the dinosaurs.  It is presumed, as noted on other of these Pages, that such an event will occur again sometime in the future.  But catastrophes do not capture our attention here.  Alone, the human population can do little about nature’s furies.  We are concerned with those large movements that change the earth for good or ill that might be influenced by mankind, some through prayer, prayer needed to help resolve intersecting and conflicting factors.

Analysts say that numerous influences are at work in present day life that will lead to explosive change.  Turning points occurred when the Greeks and Romans gave birth to western civilization; when wars and plagues markedly slowed civil development; when the discovery of the internal combustion engine changed life; and, so the story goes.  What is happening currently that makes so many feel the world is emerging as something different?  Will computerization take over and persons fade?  Allan Bloom argued that youth is drugged by its rock music that has interrupted educational excellence.  He believed it will cause surrender of western progress.  In his popular book, The Closing of the American Mind, he felt students generally to be intellectual slackers.  Female leadership is in the process of matching male leadership.  At this writing more women graduate at most levels of higher education than men.  Analysts point out various societal changes.  The family is reduced so that morality and values will emerge in some other pattern than we have known.  DNA and gene research will, when adequately controlled, lead to prolific changes, especially in medicine.  Some believe length of life may be 150 years for men and women, some of whom will have first child when turning the 60th year.  (By that time most may not be interested in having children, and will opt out of family generation.)  Population will fall markedly.  Climate changes will affect nature’s cycles.  The availability of destructive weapons will lead societies to guard their welfare with the zeal and concern of the wall builders of history trying to protect their castles and cities.  Fear will grow.  It has already increased in terrorism.

Our concern here relates to changes in Christian life.  Evidence suggests that many Christians currently have been lured to humanistic interests, and have adapted Christianity to naturalism, diluting Scripture.  One wonders what the Apostle Paul might say if he were to drop down in Corinth-Hollywood, or Roman-Washington, DC, or Galatia-Chicago, or Sodom-Las Vegas. We are solemnized by what appears to be evidence of loss in Christian initiative, a loss deplored by Christian oriented researchers.  We must remind ourselves that God is present in change.  He turns the tide in any direction he permits.  Our New Year ought to be marked with intense prayer for the revival of biblical ideals for the benefit of all peoples and nations.  The Church seldom can predict when Christian revival will touch the church, or society.  A new wineskin of time opens for God’s wine to fill it.  Prayer will help.  And, this is a propitious time to emphasize the sovereignty of God.  Change may erode some features of society that Christians would retain, as change can return some factors that we lost in the past.  Scripture has much to say about recovery, revival, growth, blessing, and God’s support of those who will make effort, perhaps pay a price for change to the return or discovery of a flourishing condition. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020