This is being written during 2013 when the issue of Same Sex Marriage has become a hot and divisive issue in American life.  It is a world topic and has been approved in a few nations that are seen as largely secular in context.  The discussion in the electorate is fiery, and includes language and ideas that should not be incorporated in an objective treatment of an issue.  But the cerebral must bear with the emotional and judgmental attitudes, with the ill will, with unsupported accusations as a matter of habit in nearly any issue of controversy.  On the day I am writing this Page, a column appears in a major newspaper, in response to a published statement about homosexuality by another writer identified as a Christian.  In rebutting the Christian the article begins by theory based on the empathy and attitude of Jesus as gracious and accepting. It is a misperception of God if empathy and affirmative attitude are taken as evidence of approval.  We can feel empathetic, even with an attitude that can be made to appear approving without any approval at all.

I have almost hated to use either the word conservative or liberal in my oral and written communications. During my lifetime, the two words have characterized the rhetoric of politics, of family, of culture, of religion and that with little advancement in the understanding and knowledge of the fields in discussion.  I have believed in some objectives of those persons labeled liberals and some objectives of those labeled conservatives.  Within both groups, if they can be roughly identified, there is considerable difference in what is meant by the most used labels of the groups.  In business many leaders identified themselves as followers of Ayn Rand who wrote novels about the independent business mogul on his way to riches by a stern regimen that was identified as conservative.  She was opposed in literary circles, even in influence on government by Whittaker Chambers who was defined as a firm conservative, after his sojourn with Communism.  His problems were related to wrong conservatives or liberals.  The tension between conservatives closed down the American government in October, 2013, for some days.  Some of the passages from Chambers, Witness, were helpful and meaningful to many questioning persons in the wake of the popularity of Rand’s books and defense of her position after World War II.

Similar problems are present in Christianity.  There appear ranges of Christian congregations in many towns.  What is the difference in them?  Why are they divided into this denomination or that?  Why are these liberal, and those conservative?  They claim the same Bible, even if a variety of translations. They quote and recite from Christ and his experiences.  Some have added other writings they give authority as they do biblical writings.  Some add more baggage than Scripture appears to offer or approve.  Some take away.  Who are the qualified Christians, and who are the unqualified who call themselves Christians?  The words liberal and conservative are of little help, and may further cloud the issues.  I was recently at an anniversary of a pastor with a long tenure at his Protestant church.  The only other clergy present from the town was the Catholic priest.  The two ministers shared the same point of view on the fundamental identification of Christianity: the acceptance of Jesus Christ in his redemptive experience for each individual identified as Christian.  Closely related to that major item of penitence and faith is that God has revealed himself in Scripture.  There is a range of difference between the two ministers on many aspects of doctrine and practice, but they feel united in the two vital factors that define a Christian as Christ defined his followers.  The two should not be identified as liberal or conservative.  They ought to be defined as biblical Christians, and that verified in their lives and ministries.  They will not permit the baggage of their denominations, the objections of conflicting views, the changes in cultures and objectives, the humanism or other integrative terms identify their Christian belief, ministry and fellowship.  All persons carry some baggage others may believe to be faith violation. That is their right, so they are to be left to the evaluation of God, as God sees fit to make judgment.  Christians of faith ought to accept all persons, and there to declare the redemptive gospel, modeling it in biblical obedience.  The arming of the true Christian is in this direction, concluding with prayer.  (Ephesians 6:10-19)  Prayer leaps to heaven from nature and back again. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020