This Page goes behind the evidence, behind the actions.  We want to address reality, and we would like to find a modus operandi that grows out of the discussion of the stew of man’s making in local and national politics in 2012.  At this writing we have just concluded a long period of political maneuvering, debate advertising, distortion and some truth related to the election of the President of the United States and numerous other candidates across the nation.  The result of the election is that Barack Obama was reelected President, and the Congress was elected with incumbents and new candidates making up much the same pattern that has stalled virtually all legislation of import for at least two years.  Even the incumbents of all parties admit of the situation, which has given the Congress an approval rating of low percentage.  Politics, in some states, had similar stalling.  Notwithstanding, the following fits the outline – here at this date.

The resources included well educated persons running for office, and about two billion dollars was spent by the main candidates for an office that pays about one-half of one percent of that amount during the period of the administration won.  Nothing goes to the losers.  Other expenses have not been tallied.  The debates were largely claims and accusations, not contending evidence, analysis and plans.  The problems are enormous relating to jobs; to debt (more than sixteen trillion dollars); military and warfare; and, the list extends.  Candidates acknowledged faith as generally Christian and Mormon – both with similar values for public and personal life.  Many relate Mormonism to a form of Christian faith.  Christian values were not debated.  Candidates would likely have said they supported them.  Several major concerns of the public in state elections, such as legalization of casual use of marijuana, of same sex marriage, of voluntary suicide, and other issues were voted upon and won.  In our State politics, one of several issues represents what IS accented here.  It related to a measure that would make marriage to be possible only for a man and woman.  It was misrepresented in that the standard already exists in the state, but the purpose on this occasion was to make it a point in the constitution of the State.  The proposition lost, which loss will likely be used to try to gain change in the law.  We shall see.  (By this edit in 2017, same sex marriage has won.)

The voters were analyzed on the national level.  The evidence comparing other elections gave credence to the points.  It is believed that women voted their feelings about one candidate over another.  It was suggested that the ethnic vote, growing strength in both the Latin-American and the Afro-American communities were strong for one candidate.  This analysis might also be extended, as those who benefited from bail-out of the auto industry voted strongly in favor of that candidate, while the rest of the country appeared to disfavor the bail-out.  This analysis might continue in various directions.  But, what does it tell us that we may use in our lives for the good of society, and understanding it?

It is likely that party affiliation is not the strong guiding point for many voters.  They decide which candidate they like.  That candidate ends up with the most votes, even if the electoral college is destined for the minority candidate.  Elections in my lifetime, and those I read about from the past, seem more emotional than considered.  The wise winner perceives that and, after winning, goes to work, with mixed results, on the hard job of governing for the good of the people.  The loss of support for traditional marriage, the extension of other issues alert us to directions growing in the electorate – that claiming traditional values, does not mean traditional values will remain.  I tend to agree with a Christian analyst who doubts that many persons, even some theologians, may read Scripture with enough attention to discover what the social message is for God.  The analyst wondered if Christian students have read enough Scripture to know what God has afforded for society.  The Christian will need to find a solution.  For example, will the Church have a sacred marriage contract to identify Christian marriage, or propose a bond of friendship for same sex partnerships providing civil privileges, or find some proposals that make it clear that Christian values are alive and well?  Christian values are currently suffering.  (Four years after the above was written the nation overturned the reigning party.  The electorate is asking for refreshing.)

*Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020