Daily pages of reflection...for knowledge, understanding, to wisdom
Section of The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci Section of The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci

Category Archive: Humanism

Minority Opinion

Section of The Crucifixion, Pedro Orrente, ca. 1625–30

Deeply devoted Christians may feel they are not fully accepted citizens of their country.  This is not an unusual orientation for any person related to a movement, a group, or some other entity that is not treated with full acceptance by the majority and controllers of a nation advancing secular norms. Some alternatives to gain better treatment and attitude for minority groups or ideas are unrealistic, given the context of the human psyche and methods of thinking and management – and the sheer size of the world’s population.  Sometimes the leading issue is competition, good and ill, that inevitably visits energetic people and nations.  Not all negatives are sinister in nature.  Competition inevitably follows with a cluster of related problems… Read more

The Christian Course

Section of The Infant Jesus and St. John the Baptist, Guido Reni, n.d.

Anyone reading these Pages is bombarded with the word context.  I have tried to live for nearly eighty years in a Christian context.  I did fairly well, but sometimes unsatisfactorily.  Improvement (growth) was nourished.  From wide experience, I firmly recommend that, under God, each person take charge of his or her life – to cultivate and nourish it.  Do not be deterred by others who overstate, understate, or simply misstate our places in the world, either in personal (private) or relationship (social) life.  Such confidence is generated in the assurance that one is pursuing, and is responsible for, a constructive course for a Christian holistic life (context).  This quest is a worthy one for here and will further clarify hereafter…. Read more

Guiding Light

Section of Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Benedetto Luti, 1715-20

In polls of secular students it was discovered that they, without faith, differed widely on the right or wrong of various historical events, some of which included mass murder.  A large percentage found no difficulty with some culture forms like the human sacrifices of the Aztecs and others.  That was the culture and that was the way things were managed to fulfill the community sense of right and wrong, or of acceptance with their gods.  Human sacrifice was the highest thing they felt could be accomplished.  Since one human would not be sufficiently valuable, hundreds might be sacrificed on the same festival occasion.  One of the greatest curses we have commonly visited upon ourselves is the belief that values are… Read more


Section of The Descent from the Cross, Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1435

Rationalizations are suspect.  We know they are at the end of a wandering route of the mind and emotions related to some thought, action or object.  The way to the rationalization may be cast to appear like rational, evidence driven, patterns for determining truth, but search is poisoned by non sequiturs, by emotions, by unreliable presuppositions, and assorted debris that makes difficult the route search for truth.  On some occasions we hit upon things as they are, because common sense verifies the conclusion.  On some occasions the matters are unimportant, so we can get on with our lives, principally as touched by numerous small factors of little consequence.  The objection to rationalizations is that they are unworthy and ineligible to… Read more