The meaning of this text relates, according to its context, to persons devoted to changealtering a satisfactory context, persons given to: change, disguise, diversity, personal prejudice, perhaps repetition, relating to changes for an abandoned context.  The concern is not in change, but those given to it without substantive reason – an attitude which is change for the sake of change.  It is basic to the meaning of style. According to those who study it, change is about the only thing we can be sure of in the course of daily living.  A pundit suggested that it be added to the observation that the only things we can be sure of are death and taxes.  Change may take place rapidly or slowly, sometimes too slow and sometimes too fast.  Currently it appears, in some areas of life, to be a bit fast.  Change tends to complexity in society.  Change is in habit by mankind and that visited upon mankind over which we have little control.  This last is exhibited in global warming.  The change is becoming so severe that the authorities are unsure about what to do.  The winter of 2014/15 saw Alaskan weather to be warmer during some weeks than in the lower 48 States.  The permafrost is moving farther north changing the land for animals, trees and water resources.  Lack of snow required significant change in the famed Iditarod Race.  There was less snow in Alaska than on the mountains of the American West, and those mountains received under standard falls.  California is gearing up for continued drought – a major catastrophe in fires.  Some areas in America will have to try desalinization to meet household needs.  Rising tides are forcing the rebuilding of some towns against rising oceans.  The story of nature-change is now long and becoming scary for some communities.

Changes in society which are made by human beings are also scary.  Changes which have swept over communities are dividing citizens.  The weakening of the family has factored the welfare of persons to the state, with unsureness about how to assure the care of children and the aged – and with too little funding to accomplish what it proposes – what with the decline of many families to care for their members.  Education is faulted, the government has stalled or made laws that scramble the problems of the one (individual) and the many (societies/institutions).  Health costs have been high and many treatments are beyond the competency of patients to pay for services.  Education is also costly, and in some areas has lost its way in developing persons in favor of accenting education for occupation and wealth.  The problems of drugs, alcoholism, and life defeating habits including accidents threatening lives and families are reported, creating malaise and fear context that hovers like a dark cloud over many lives.  Solutions try to address temporarily dramatic occurrences of social need, but some serious ones are passed over for long years.

We note that many factors are much better than at any time in history as far as daily life for the masses may be concerned, but expectations have galloped ahead of improvements.  Our homes are much better than they were two centuries ago; hunger, as bad as it is, is much improved from historical experience; and, persons are living longer (which add problem dimensions).  Services are improved, and communications are faster even if sometimes they distort truth and values.  There is a leap forward in what is considered decency, but with less decency.  Persons are called to more respect for life, but the respect is uneven.  We know the refinements of the past with names like: Victorianism or Finishimg School.  Today the commoner lives in more comfortable circumstances than did royalty in the past.  The point is that change to benefit will require different leadership; fresh approaches to modern needs; ways to reduce waste, perhaps variety; and, protect faith beyond nature.  Society is turning to entertainment (as did the Romans) to mute threats of decay.  Some decay is our own making.  We need significant amendment to what we do as individuals and institutions.  We must improve.  If serious analysts are correct about the future we will need to get something done soon.  Some changes are good, some ill.  We are concerned with the motives of the agents of change.  At my age, the consequences of current life will not impact me, but I hurt to the soul for what my grandchildren and great-grandchildren will face unless we mature (change) and form society in the way that God meant for us to function.  We need to address – ourselves, earth and heaven.

*Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020