Out of years of subjugation in a foreign land, Israel was suddenly given leave to return to their own country, and that with the help of a government not formed in the Moses stream.  Was Cyrus a convert to the God of Israel?  We do not know.  If I were a research historian, I would look for historical evidence to discover what the motivations of Cyrus might have been.  Did he become a genuine follower of God, in the biblical meaning?  There is uncertainty in our perceptions about what is genuine about anything, but especially in matters of faith.  What is genuine in faith and what is genuine in political society?  They have parallels, but they may not weave well together.

H.W. Brands wrote a striking biography of Andrew Jackson, capturing the man. Jackson killed a man in a duel, caused some violence in confrontation of retribution that included, for him, a gunshot wound that pained him for the rest of his life. He made decisions in battle that were bloody, including the deaths by hanging or firing squad for soldiers he believed had failed in military duty.  He was self-educated, may have stolen another man’s wife (his beloved Rachel), and so the story goes for him.  (Perhaps fortunate for his career, Rachel died just before Jackson was to go to Washington and the White House.  She would not have fit into Washington society, having developed a somewhat frontier-like casualness in her person.  She had become what some called dumpy.  She had her evening pipe, even inviting visitors to share a few puffs from it to ease the pressures of the day.)  Jackson was almost always in ill health, owned slaves, and worded his criticisms fiercely.  All of this grew out of his life, from infancy, generated from the harshness and brutality of the frontier, and little education.  He was recognized as a remarkable general of the army, as a totally devoted husband to Rachel, as a man of integrity, opinionated and a leading citizen.  He was popular with the people, but hated by many.  He was a departure in government.

Jackson expressed the nature of the gospel well.  When challenged by a constituent for his position, as president of the United States, of a sectarian attempt to take the Christian gospel to American Indians, he responded: I am no sectarian, though a lover of the Christian religion.  I do not believe that any who shall be so fortunate as to be received to heaven, through the atonement of our blessed Saviour, will be asked whether they belonged to the Presbyterian, the Methodist, the Episcopalian [sic] Baptist, or Roman Catholic [Church].  All Christians are brethren, and all true Christians know they are because they love one another.  A true Christian loves all, immaterial to what sect or church he may belong.

Was Jackson a Christian?  In the end mortals cannot answer that question – due to his paradoxes.  Some believe he simply followed Rachel’s response to Christianity.  He built a small chapel at the Hermitage for her practice of faith.  She truly worried whether or not they would share eternity.  The answer is in the mystery of God, and Jackson’s faith or lack of it.  We are humbled in that we cannot know by our cultural interpretations, what is the individual faith to one’s immortality.  It is relief from grief to mankind that some information is reserved unto God.  Each person is his or her own spiritual decision maker, to the agreement of God by faith.  In this is grace and peace.  We are comforted in not evaluating judgment, except for one’s self.  The arguments of theologians regarding various issues of spiritual redemption related to status with God (permanent at personal commitment, or temporary to the currency of the person’s faith) continue with competitive attitudes among Christians, sometimes divisive from the unity that would be helpful to Christian ministry.  The lay person should simply rest personal faith in Christ, and be aware that he or she is living up to biblical concepts leading to growth in righteousness. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020