This date has been reserved for discussion about those attitudes and conducts that do not grow out of external temptation so much as from human nature.  Humanists often refer to it as flawed human nature.  Biblical theologians tend to refer to it as depravity found in human nature registered in births passed down through the generations.  This condition is that addressed in the redemption of Jesus Christ.  When resolved in the redemptive enterprise carried through by Jesus Christ and ministered to mankind by the Holy Spirit, we have the main thrust of the Christian gospel.  In this there appears practice of faith, prayer, righteousness, spiritual maturing (learning and application), culture, witness and the life of the Church.  Church, in this meaning, includes all those who identify, in the biblical context, with Jesus Christ.  In this meaning the Church is entirely a spiritual concept that holds citizenship in the kingdom of God.

Some of the evidences of this human fault line have been referred to on this date in series preceding this one.  The evidences are many, but we have referred to the put-down (diminishing others),the self-despising (self- destructive), the imbalance (excess), and the depressive (in any distraction from life).  Involvement may be light or complex and extend along a continuum to the point where normal life is irretrievable.  An experience occurred for me a few years ago from this Page editing.  A telephone call informed me that my caller was Constable Mike O’Neil, and that he was calling from Canada, representing the Royal Canadian Mountain Police.  In summary the conversation went as follows: Your grandson, Nathan Oliver Lee, was arrested with a group of friends.  They had all been drinking, and are here in jail on drunken driving charges.  Your grandson is released when he has paid the fine leveled against him in the amount of $2,300.00 American currency.  He is embarrassed and asked us not to call his wife as he is presumably here with a group on a hockey tour.  He prefers that we call you.  Are you his grandfather? Are you able and willing to send the amount of the fine?

I insisted that I must first speak to him.  Another voice came on.  He sounded like Nate, was appropriately penitent for the event, and not in a position to explain everything, but would appreciate anything I might do to solve the problem.  The conversation was then turned back to O’Neil.  I was instructed to utilize a certain company for transmittal of funds to 17 Ranch Road, Madrid, Spain, and given a confirmation number so to proceed legally in fund transfer.  I was instructed that this could be done through an office located in downtown Buffalo, Minnesota, a few blocks away from my residence.  The conversation concluded.  I went to the downtown office, showed the operator my notes, and expressed my confusion and doubts about the matter, but could not abandon my grandson if the matter proved legitimate.  The manager was skeptical of the matter.  I called back to O’Neil’s number.  No it will not be possible to talk to your grandson again.  He is permitted one phone call which you have already received.  He is downstairs and must remain there in a cell until released.

At that point, and given repeated information from the constable, with the insistence that the funds must be sent as instructed, and through no other source, I decided to call Nate at his residence, trying to cover for him so to save distress for his wife and children.  His wife answered the phone, and I asked her if Nate was home, I would like to speak to him.  Cammy responded that he was at work.  I asked when she last heard from him, and she informed me that she had talked to him at lunch, about two hours earlier.  We had our usual friendly exchange, hung up, and I called the Buffalo Police.  They took the information with special concern about the scam.  A few weeks later I read the story in The Week magazine, that a matter had been reported from Americans, the men apprehended, jailed, and found to have extorted two or more millions of dollars from concerned grandparents given false reports.  Why do rather decent human beings go to such effort to steal money from other human beings?  Violations of God and humanity are related to depravity.

*Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020