Competition is a major factor in our lives.  In the obvious areas, like sports, or business, or sibling rivalry, and other venues we create self-importance, so inflate some matters beyond their rightful dimensions.  Some persons who live and die by the win or loss records of teams; also live and die by the first place or decline in their business or employment; live and die by becoming the most respected of their families, or even as the worst of the black sheep.  This concept and practice is all the creation of mankind, and is countered somewhat in the ministry of Christ, so to be understood from his point of view, which puts high value on self-competition related to Christian ideals.  This is to say, I compete with the various gradations of the continuum of character in myself.  The ideal model is out there, ahead of me in Jesus Christ, who lived the ideal standard, so to set the model for measurement (competition).  I cannot exceed that standard so that competition is not an issue in the natural way it is applied, except as I may compete with my better and lesser performances.   My life race is alone, except for Christ, who is yonder.  Long ago he mapped my pathway (straight and commanding), and stands at the finish line to receive me, all the while cheering me on – as he does for all others taking the faith stride.  There are times when the cheers must be muted while he does a bit of coaching (by a guide book -Scripture) so to address problems, – the uncertain step, the out of breath, the poor pace, and other barriers to my own private first place performance – all measured in righteousness and service.  Effectiveness is measured entirely in degrees of faithfulness, not in comparison to other persons.  Following the word faithfulness in Scripture helps this understanding.

We would that nations of the world address the matter of righteous competition as necessary for improved and lasting performance.  That competition is not in clashes of hatred, warfare, terror, but in the living out of God’s purpose for his creation, purpose for persons and nations.   Many of the severe problems in the world are related to plain jealousy and ego, masked as rights that lead to unsportsmanlike competition.  The large and affluent nations want to be counted as first.  The one with the largest army, with the greatest national product, with the most wealth, with superior this or that – either flaunts it over others or is believed to be doing so by some of the less blessed and benefited among nations.  If nations were to cease trying for that kind of recognition and achieve or respond in appropriate humility, conditions, and relationships, life would improve.  Persons and nations ought to serve with true humility, which is neither cover for arrogance nor denial of deprivation, but with awareness that all of life is a divine gift.  It ought to be taken as any other blessing ought to be taken, with the awareness that blessing is given nations from somewhere outside themselves.  Leaders, together with their followers, need something more than a wholly human orientation if they are to live together in peace, and advancement.  Rightly managed, the earth environment and human populations should have it a bit better in each ensuing generation.  God believes in advancement (growth).  Our separations from each other betray God’s initial challenge for mankind.

Today mankind and nations run on circular tracks, simply exchanging emphases of thought and activity.  Resulting problems remain the same or similar.  Different contexts do not necessarily offer solutions, unless whole life and high meaning become integral to scenarios.  What is happening in our time?  We are making a stew in which we try to find formulas mixing human competition (often carnal) with selective virtues (often diluted) so to forestall unity, right perception, confidence, and cooperation.  We are given the drama of Cain and Abel.  The brothers entered competition to gain God’s favor.  Abel approved the recommended plan and made it his own.  Cain tried to amend it.  Competition between the brothers invited Cain’s murder of Abel and God’s rejection of Cain.  Therein is the parable of mankind in nature’s competition.  Most competitive warfare is generated through personal and family life distortions of life, wounding and winning battles with anger and misunderstandings so to declare who is right or best in the competition.  In God’s economy any person can win and any person can lose.  The least common denominator of life is the individual and God.  Whatever is related to winning the competition is found in that dual relationship.  The awards are great with magnificent retirement benefits. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020