Commonly, there is a private spiritual warfare, especially for the young Christian, in the evangelical tradition.  It finds its place in the context of learning about faith, and the human condition.  It seems like a battle between sin and righteousness.  It is sometimes difficult to discuss partly because of the vicissitudes of language.  For the word sin there is so great connotation (something in the meaning of a word besides what it primarily denotes), that we may lose the denotation (indicative of what it is). The difference between the two is often seen as contradictory.  The term is the same, but the difference creates a problem in meaning, or acceptance of meaning.  In the Bible, sin is communicated as anything that violates righteousness, so displeases God, invoking severe consequences.  It is the accusation that sin was a decision of the first parents of the human race, and in the choice a condition of depravity was visited upon the issue of those persons.  This condition is the main matter to be addressed.  It must be addressed in that it causes mankind to follow a pattern of thought and conduct unacceptable to God.  This is identified in the factors of conduct which are perceived as sins such as thievery, adultery, murder, lies.  The list grows long in common personal conduct (selfishness, greed, envy, etc.) – factors unacceptable with God.  Not only does this condition and conduct prevent mankind from entering the kingdom of God, it guides persons away from finding a wholly satisfactory earthly sojourn.  Inclusion to lostness from God for humanity is an inevitably troubling issue for us.  There is common human tension with God before the sweet bye and bye.

According to Scripture, we are not to worry.  God provides a redemptive route to the kingdom of God for any who wish to accept and follow it.  Admittedly, that is not easy going even when one finds it.  As a young Christian I slogged through a number of questions.  Would I lose my faith?  It seemed tenuous at first.  Would I backslide?  That was a word I heard often in those first years, and is seldom used currently.  What would happen to me if I sinned?  Why would I sin when I knew better?  Was the fault in me, or in my faith?  Why would my faith not be strong enough to protect me from carnality?  There were many whys about the contradictions of my life – my life as a sincere Christian.  The contradictions were holding me back from spiritual growth, even causing me to lose ground, but not lose faith.  Others were witnessing growth, and demonstrating it in their models, but I was busy in the spiritual skirmishes of my life – my fault.

For some reason, unknown to me except for mercy, God protected my dignity, and permitted me to inch forward.  The most impressive factor in the process was the promise of: Christ in you the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)  This was carried through with the constancy of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, a constancy that needs acknowledgment by Christians.  I found that to be an open secret to fulfilling the award of God’s patience.  It became a matter of relaxing in Christ, by the Holy Spirit’s ministration, to find not only the answers to my whys, but to find the peace of God within myself.  Finally, if seeking persists, one finds what he or she is looking for.  It works.  Nothing can shake it.  For a few, there may be some physical decline in the aging process that makes them fade out of character, but that can be recognized for what it is – senility and human decline.  Sometimes, a child-like innocence seems to return even to aged Christians.

What is the result of the maturing process?  One learns that persons can pass God’s tests.  It is aided by following biblical directives; by constancy of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life; by commitment to righteousness; by prayerful attitude and growth; and, by serving the needs of others in the name of Christ.  One finds in this biblical pattern, a life that is peace – sometimes termed by the devout as living in the heavenlies.  (Now in my nineties, I find it so.)  There is a personal context that is gratifying, a sense of other Presence in a natural environment, a confidence that repels fear, a kind of settlement that can’t easily be explained, but is present.  One feels much less tied to earth and things, but does not talk of the condition because many persons will roll their eyes.  They don’t feel comfortable with the context until they arrive in it themselves.  Family members condescend about it all, but respectful knowing there is nothing better for this person, and nothing more desired but their love and God’s approval. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020