The accent of Scripture to the world is the declaration of the redemptive story of God to mankind.  This is done in a rather lengthy book we call the Bible.  In declaring that story, sometimes in scenes of quiet verbal exchange, or in massive meetings to interested persons as well as concentrations to prophets and disciples, the context of that message is cast in a pattern of historical reporting.  It captures life first in the personal boundaries of individuals, then with families, and finally with large society.  The reader can sense the authors’ interest in birth and the individual, forward to children, youth, adults, management of life (with or without faith) in personal belief and conduct, for marriage and the family, and general society, back down in decline to death.  This is continued from generation to generation with that which preceded having something to do with that which follows.  It is a design that can include all persons, and there is something of a common denominator that makes an every-person out of every person.  God is interested in the formation of every person so to live humbly as that formation is taking place, and to work at its accomplishment which may be unrelated to success or failure in the natural context of earth life, but of formation for the family of God.  Out of Scripture and experience, experience both natural and spiritual, I have designed my last years, the elderly ones, in something of a pattern suggested in the following observations.  This page is to indicate not only length of life, but consideration today of the joy of life.

SPIRITUAL: I have sustained a devotional life with an ever increasing appreciation for Scripture and prayer, especially blest when sharing with family or friends a verse or other thought for the day.  The orientation is devotional in learning how to form life in the concept of: pray without ceasing.  That orientation to the Christian is like engineering-thinking is to an engineer, or mother-thinking is to a mother – a prevailing preoccupation of life.

INTELLECTUAL: I have sustained something of an intellectual life through reading; reflecting on and organizing my changing collection of materials leading to writing (as in these Pages) and giving material away when appropriate to the interests of others – especially to the colleges I have engaged and the mentoring of persons, the last of whom is likely a great-grandson now seeking a doctorate degree; and, finding persons with whom I can carry substantive conversation about serious themes related to the concerns of mankind.  Mentoring is not only an avenue of service to others, but a way to delay senility.  My intellectual interest in my major secular field has declined in disuse, but the scholarship processes learned in that pursuit are applicable in any theme.  I use learning daily, and advance it.

HEALTH: I have sustained health despite episodes of life-threatening illnesses.  This has been largely achieved through moderation in all things; in reasonable diet recommended for good nutrition; in keeping physically active including my own pattern for daily exercise; in sustaining a positive attitude; and, following a regimen of hygiene that likely provides some protection against disease and infection.  My physician is not given to over-medication.  Some entertainment is necessary to health.  Although much of media has been identified as a wasteland, there are gems to be found in printed and electronic sources that both inform and entertain.  Every person ought to have a solitary game to play creating some inner competition (I am presently an 84% winner of electronic solitaire trying for 90%, and do well against the computer for Chess.)  I find a sport I like to follow during each season, but am not a driven fan.

SOCIAL: I have sustained an interest in people, especially for family members.  This, like all other factors for life is practiced in moderation (more with some than others) so as not to be an interruption in busy lives, but also maintained so to have a positive practice of a spiritual meaning God means for us to relationships.  God is, after his interest in individuals, most interested in relationships.  Most social virtues and sins relate to relationships between human beings.  Modern style has reduced relationships, which in turn has reduced some of our humanity.  Marriage and family ought to be better than it is in modern life.  The loss of such relationships makes the cost of living considerably higher than we may be able to manage.  The distractions from human relationships in the practice of love make living less attractive, and threaten the solidarity mankind needs for survival.  Modest relationships are life-enhancing.  It is important to avoid excuses that old persons, especially those single in status, do not entertain marrieds.  If not competent to carry the privilege in one’s domicile, invite them to lunch and prepare for the occasion with some gift, perhaps with a book to be passed along.  Elderly persons should offer to pray for a need anyone wishes to divulge.

*Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020