I wonder if most persons are like me in this – they would like God to appear to be a bit more obvious in proactivity in their lives and the lives of others.  There are times when a whisper would be appreciated, or a visible touch on a hurt, or an obvious lift when life’s burdens grow heavy.  For some reason I feel very good after prayer each morning, but I will pray for just about all the same matters and people tomorrow morning.  Improvement seems to appear at snail’s pace, but I am animated when the answers do appear, even if by my perception they are belated, perhaps more modest in dimension than I prefer.  I have no doubt about the efficacy of prayer.  Prayer, patience and faith are inseparable.  In tandem, they work and win.

There is mystery in all this, and we often miss the meaning of it.  If in our time Jesus were to walk among us, speaking, lifting, touching, as he did long ago, we might do as they did – crucify Him.  We, like they, would put our spin on Jesus.  I cannot escape what I might have done by my currency of knowledge.  We are beneficiaries of learnings from the past.  Our experience is too limited for the universe.  As far as we know, a bonfire is only possible on earth.  Such fire in atomic splitting is not so common.  Indeed, it may be deplored and limited to a few energy centers around the world.  But it may be that atomic action is important to the existence and illumination of the distant stars.  Far more stars are fired up than there are bonfires on earth.  In our earth context, the unusual is the usual.  Is there some truth here that should give us pause to determine how God may work outside the natural World – in the immense and expanding universe?

The eminent space scientist, Wernher Von Braun, said that nothing can be completely obliterated.  It will always leave a trace of some nature hence it is incomprehensible that the highest form of natural life, presumably that found in the human-being, can be annihilated.  Super-nature does not know annihilation – unless ordered by God.  One of the great concerns of the biblical writers was to persuade listeners and readers to believe that life from God, once given will never be obliterated.  The concern is always relative to the circumstances in which that life is found.  If it is found with God – that is heaven.  If it insists on continuance without God – that is hell.  Christian faith deals with these utterly vital issues.  Admittedly our information is incomplete.

Something as extensive as immortal life, and the consequences of having lived, may seem to be so important that we wish to have things a bit more obvious.  But, we stumble along.  So much confidence is put on faith, faith that pushes back darkness.  We must permit it to do so.  God, in infinite wisdom, knew that we would do better with faith.  Too much information might distract us.  We simply could not process it.  To love God in the confidence of divine faith is an important act in relationship with God.  Faith provides a short cut to God and his love.  An infant child does not analyze the love and nurture of his mother, but rests in it.  A child is too much an infant to understand, so he or she presumes to trust parental care.  We are spiritual infants before God.  We accept his grace, and we live.  We live!  God reproves us for lack of faith, and honors his love in faith.  Directed faith is, in itself, a gift.  The wise person asks God to bestow faith energy to believe.  God presumes faith.  Faith equalizes persons, so the genius and the simpleton stand together in the benefit.  God has done something beyond our grasp, even in turning a body of dust into a friend of God.  Mankind takes it by faith, or doesn’t get it. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020