It is repetition in these pages that one begins argument, and search for truth, with presuppositions.  We seek peace because we presuppose that peace is a good thing.  It follows that we argue for peace, seek peace, and do what we can to gain peace – pursue it.  We use evidence to buttress arguments, but we may not do well with skeptics rejecting our presuppositions.  They may presuppose conflict.  Most natural scientists believe that the universe came from a big bang.  The big bang theory may ultimately be proved in a way that no informed person would deny it.  Then the question becomes, what preceded the big bang?  The position of the Christian, even before any proof of the big bang may be found, is simply the presupposition that God came first, and through whatever process may have presented the universe through a monumental explosion of creation.  Scripture offers the point in one succinct statement: . . . for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder (communicator). (Hebrews 11:6)  This point is the beginning of discussion for believers in creator God.  God was at the beginning of everything else.

The verse is teaching simply that there are two presuppositions to the investigation of a God argument: 1) God exists; and, 2) God communicates.  This is reviewed elsewhere in these pages.  The deist accepts the first that God exists, but rejects the second that God communicates.  The atheist, if consistent, rejects both presuppositions in denying God’s existence.  Scientists who do not believe in God must take the presupposition that all of the universe came from nothing, and evolved without assistance from any pre-natural intelligence.  For the majority of persons in the world this is insufficient causation.  Whatever factors of logic, facts, and practical applications that science must use to form conclusions – the initial fact of the beginning does not fit.  It is a presupposition.  The God believer may accept all the faithful discoveries of science as consequence of a creation gesture by God, perhaps in a big bang.  In seeing the enormous occurrences of energy in the universe, we cannot put it past God to have initiated creation in this pattern.  God is quite able to present massive drama in what he does.  Much of the debate is wasted, because the point is lost: that the initiation came from God, or it did not come from God.  Many faithful and devout Christians believe in evolution, an evolution that was somehow directed of God.  Scripture notes that at the beginning the creation was without form and void.  The discussion is in conflict.  Did the universe originate from nothing or God?  We have presuppositions at odds.

Where did all this come from at the beginning?  And, this leads to another issue: where is it going?  If it had a beginning it may have an end.  That is the most important issue for the living – not where it all began, but where is it leading?  That second issue is addressed as major in the teachings of Jesus Christ.  He acclaimed a new beginning that deals with imperfection (sin), and provides Hope (redemption) in repeated creation.  It does not appear to the Christian that one is ignorant to cast presuppositions that are affirmative, begging search for future truths (prophetic).  We work on premises with some confidence, faith, and peace – all enveloped God’s love.  Hope is the promise of immortality from God, funneled through devout persons who lived, wrote and spoke, and died rather than recant.  They modeled success in faith conduct – for faith in God.  Those truly addressing the point have been highly revered in history’s reporting.

Some persons try to escape the Father, as Jesus noted.   They have temporary inheritance in the world if they function sensibly, work, serve, learn moderation, and avoid folly in personal and social context.  Life can be rather good even without God, if the patterns of common grace are followed.  Wise persons find a satisfactory mystery in life.  Many feel life itself is the signature proof of God to us.  Silence and/or fury may be fitting for earth alone if there is no God.  But, what if there is?  Faith asks us to trust God in Hope.  From God comes blessing, correction, holiness, love, and the hope of God in his kingdom.  Millions upon millions of Christians find the option too promising to pass up.  Death is transition in pure faith.  It implies humility because its proofs seem ephemeral to those who do not believe, those the person of faith would like to persuade.  The ultimate goal is vital.  We wait to see more clearly. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020