Several analysts of the circumstances related to the April, 1995, bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, have suggested that a major cause of this and other dramatic tragedies, in America, is the anger of white (Caucasian) men in the young through early middle-age periods of their lives.  These men, according to the analysts, feel put-upon by society, perhaps by parents, by government, by various interest groups and by the rhetoric of much of the mass media.  Caucasian men have been taking their lumps.  There is little doubt.  They are portrayed as the murderers of native Americans (in Custer’s case, the Indians got to him as he was on his way to encounter them).  But the exploiters of black people could not have achieved without help from bribed African chiefs.  Males are presumed as the enemy in some of the gender controversy.  Men are rightly cited, even if only by implication, for sexual aggression and/or abuse.  Males from every background are announced to be somewhat greedy, aggressive, arrogant relating to self – less interest in children and domesticity than they ought to be for the good of family life and society.

In general men are perceived to be less polite and gracious than they were a generation or two ago; are outnumbered now in college life by young women; are somewhat gross in manners, speech; and, are becoming less interested in their attire and grooming.  Women emerging in professional life are appearing somewhat more sophisticated and serious than formerly in education, grooming and professional competence.  Celebrities stalled in puberty patterns are exaggerated in number appealing to young people. According to some critics, men may be losing position in society, not really knowing that they are.  Menial jobs may fall more and more to men, unprepared to meet expectations relating to change in the new millennium.  Some of what is said about these casual men is true – for now. But there are several matters to be considered in the discussion.  First, we do not know how many men have been caught up in identity confusion and self-withdrawal.  Perhaps they are simply dominating attention in their excesses.  Is the sometimes surly, narrowly skilled media person of either gender our model?  Hardly.  Is the sometimes whining, overpaid, over-sexed athlete our model?  Hardly.  Is the sometimes muscular, monosyllabic hunk a father image or model?   Hardly.  Is the sometimes screaming, sweaty, gross rock singer the ideal artist or model?  Hardly. Americans may be conned to believe that the distortions of the few, especially the celebrities, are the habits of the many.  Reporters tend to accent the celebrity and unusual, even the bizarre.  Charles Colson affirmed that while the media focus on a few thousand sect members and from them project future religion, they have forgotten the millions of solid citizens who attend traditional churches on Sunday and maintain their ethics, work habits and families as good people and citizens.  His point is well taken.

But we admit there is nagging truth in many reports – begging for analysis.  Evidence is emerging on what happens to other persons than white males, when power, privilege and opportunity occur for them.  Women sometimes caught in the syndrome begin to decline in former ideals as some men do.  For example, there has appeared cheating by women in business. It was touted that when women were granted their rights to hold office, government would improve.  That hasn’t happened to the point expected.  A number of women office holders have been challenged for misuse of public funds.  Some female office holders have been forced to resign having used public funds for gambling, unrelated travel, poor professional performance, and other deviations.  In several published cases, the women were excused from serious penalty.  There may be a bit of chivalric hangover left.  Even when the leader is of high personal ability the quality of government has not improved greatly.  The story might be extended, but enlargement is unnecessary for our purpose.  The point to be made is that whether male or female, whether from one race or the other (as illustrated in ethnic politics), the forces of evil, greed, laziness, graft, hatred, politics warfare even murder, falls heavily upon many persons.  It is important that each person regardless of gender, race, status or citizenship be evaluated on ethical values as criteria for service.  We look for persons to lead us, officially and unofficially, who are faithful to ideals, knowledge, fairness, maturation (order), promises, integrity, and whatever it takes to serve humanity in personally selfless ways. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020