We do not understand God in his relationship with mankind without an understanding of gifting.  To help clarify the point we may take the relationship of a person with a pet dog.  There is no way that the master can communicate to satisfaction in the two contexts, canine and human, that would make the relationship ideal.  Nor can the dog gain access to the master for that he might like to know and understand fully about what the master expects of him.  There are some things clear enough, as a stop sign is clear to a driver, or a dark cloud may mean impending storm.  These responses are seldom related to reflective experiences even though they are learned.  They become habitual growing out of experience, instruction and not leading to change in progressions, or fulfillment of cerebral management of self in morality.  The advantage is almost always to the master (superior), but mankind does not have the nature of the dog (inferior) in functioning. There is a difference in the human brain for scope and performance.  Even so, the dog feels integral to the family, a union.  The chasm is great, but there is a procedure worked out that is marvelous in our eyes if the animal is tame and the owner is balanced.  In course, everything received by the dog is a gift from the owner.  If treated well, the pet gains much more than he knows exists, and the owner likely expends more resources than he thought he would at the pet’s introduction.  There is a love feeling for each other, likely a part of that subliminal feeling that the lesser, though impaired in the context of the master, finds a way to live and function in what for him are contradictions, but really are paradoxes – differences in contexts.  It is all as mysterious as the explanation of it above may seem mysterious.  My pet’s context is not mine.

God is here and yonder.  Persons are special to him, so special that he designs human context for our survival.  The human race appears in time and nature.  We are in a situation of beginning and ending.  Limited in capacity, we possess capacities.  So the story may be extended.  We can’t survive without the gifts of the Master, so all we possess becomes gifting to us for survival and meaning.  Any barriers come from the habits and attitudes of mankind, just as negatives for an animal often come from the habits/natures of animals.  If mankind is made for the pleasure of God, that similar objective is the way it is.  We can’t change it without sanction.  We achieve high purpose when we meet that expectation.  So in that context God becomes a gift to us to enjoy forever.  If a human person were God, somewhere in the infinite cosmos the human-god would make a creation something like the creator-self, in a perfect state, so to share fellowship and not to keep all magnificence to self only.  Underlings (pets) serve our pleasure.  God feels good about himself, and that includes the right (righteous) health of his creation.  Like the good person with a cherished pet, or friend, or child, or mate (especially mate), God is concerned for his most cherished creation.  From nature’s foreign culture, the person of nature proposes scenarios about who may be extra-terrestrial – and what is beyond.  To know everything about that shore, mankind is conflicted.  Purposes of nature and God would be distorted in trying to protect that we prefer in society.  The context might create strain on human nature that could not be borne.  We were created to live in nature, for some maturation and preparation for future life, so that the gestation period related to immortality becomes satisfactory.  It is a period believed by those giving effective attention to it, but it can’t be proved to the satisfaction of those who find only nature as the source of evidence for the meaning of human beings or God.  Those relying only on nature think too small.

In the meantime there are those persons in every human context who have believed in the mercy of God; in the redemptive experience offered in Jesus Christ; in the belief there is a divine morality and ways for solving problems to make gifted life good and meaningful on earth; and, in sublime gifts that await claim.  This last is summarized in enjoying God forever, and a gifted life acceptable to God’s fellowship.  Divine mutuality will reign in God’s kingdom.  We will find ultimate fulfillment in entering a free and perfect society that practices a perfect way.  Redemption restores core character tied to the holiness and love of God.  Admittedly this is all beyond us and our ability to construct more than a coherent faith model.  To cover for us, God offers faith so to meet our void of knowledge and understanding. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020