The model of cerebral thought in Scripture is found in comparisons/contrasts/experiences/analogies found in parables of reality or mythology generally found in nature. The process permits the receiver of the information to interpret life from experience that is perceived to be the reality of experiences in the course of the womb of nature in which persons incubate for what follows. From our lives (private) inter-personal lives (social) form. This becomes reality for a person, driven by all the factors related to belief, motivation and interpretation for life. This includes factors that are often contradictory such as the collision of emotions (feelings) with reasons (logics). Cerebral functioning is necessary to both. Parables include directing the individual with the responsibility to extract truth to be followed for life and experience. The meaning and strength of the parable is found in the individual in extrapolating meaning and conduct. It is at its best when the individual follows the experience of nature where truth is affirmed. For Christians that becomes a natural life of truth evaluated by morality from God provided in Scripture. Gratification is found in the full circle that makes its orbit in the fulfillment of the promises of moral truth.

The secularist in the sophisticated world rests in the logic of the philosophers/scientists with reasoned premises and conclusions based on factual information (evidence) from nature. Those facts are taken as objective so to evaluate experience more than explain it. It is difficult to manage experience within the boundaries of the limitations of logic. Nevertheless the system is well ordered, highly important to the human race. It contributes significantly to progress, and accommodates any society that uses it rightly. Its weakness is found in those who hold that it is the only way to truth, so to cancel out any possibility of a workable and truthful faith that may be discovered in broad interpretations of life, paradoxical or even contradictory to some of the interpretations of naturalistic reasoning. Such an interpretation offers too great authority to the human brain, and an arrogance that defies any other source of knowledge to belief and/or conduct. It is both logical and emotional that persons seek for any truth beyond nature to counter, if nothing else, the common belief that nature is temporary – to be dissolved in the activity of its own context. Since mankind emerged from an infinite past there is some meaning in giving attention to an infinite future.

Earth existence is a parenthesis in some larger reality. If the evidence of earth is a reflection of the larger reality, then parable becomes an even more important kind of evidence. Finality in nature’s evidence ends in a box canyon – nothing further being possible. There is vast evidence that there is something more, and that something in context is important to me unless there is nothing left for life at physical death. But my belief that life is an immeasurable reality, residing in a natural human being, is worthy of some activity on my part. If that activity has contributed good to me, why would I not press on in seeking more of that faith? My faith has contributed immeasurably to my health, life choices, relationships with persons, professional life, education, and the story can be extended. That faith has carried me into the tenth decade of my life, has given me the sense of fulfillment, has made me a faithful citizen of my country, and has offered me motivation to help others at some personal expense. That story also may be extended. If all this is not truth then I have been assisted more by superstition than truth – by a huge white lie. That would turn life upside down when it comes to morals and values. My morals and values then become what I say they are, whatever works for me, and that I may get away with, proclaiming and practicing. A great many persons live by that philosophy and get away with it if they are clever enough, rich enough, strong enough. We are surprised in the new millennium that crimes of money treasurers have often evaded social punishment for ugly conduct. When observing the loss of natural life in persons who surrendered to materialism, to celebrity, to negative temptation for life habits, to anything leaping at them even in practicing some of the values of Christian faith, I am enormously grateful for the concept of God, gleaned from Christian tradition, recited in Scripture, aided by the Holy Spirit of God to the call for faith. It is humbling. I am interested in analyzing my faith with whatever is perceived as the next best alternative.

*Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020