By godding I mean the individual plays god to self and others.  (Note other Pages for this date.)  We assume that virtually everyone has a god of sorts, an authority influence that seems greater than oneself.  Perhaps the secular scientist is consistent in honoring nature to the extent that nature (conscience) becomes god.  One tends to give honor to that thing which seems greater than the individual and holds the final truth/judgment even to guide what is done in life course.  Nature (especially the Sun) has been a god of the past, and is often perceived as superstition, unrelated to personality.  It appears in uncontrollable forms.  There is pseudo-worship.  We find it in various ways. Common ones relate to beauty, earth provision, time sequences, and the like.  Perhaps we may go to a mysterious thought pattern that advances a natural god.

Of late it has been claimed that if a faithful segment of society were polled to represent all persons it would show that more persons would be willing to give their lives in battle to save their country than would be willing to die for a real or alleged god.  The nations calling on persons to perform suicide tasks have little difficulty in gaining volunteers.  During World War II the most feared enemies were kamikaze pilots.  When they took off representing the Japanese nation they knew they would not be able to return. The plane could take-off.  It was incapable of landing. There was no parachute.  The plane was to be directed to the target and become the bomb.  It is commonly perceived by analysts studying this issue that youthful generations would find a greater percentage of their members willing to die for their country than would be willing to die for Christ.  If so, they are willing to die for their god influence, something held as greater than self.  This is seen as an act of bravery, of deep conviction, of ability to put the good of others in the future ahead of their own benefit in the present.  The country becomes god.  One must admit that there is something spiritual in the matter, if the volunteer is normal and free in the social body.  Scripture is clear, in arresting language that the sacred possibility (idolatry) is present, but it is not ultimately efficacious.

The issue now has fallen to understanding the problem of these demigods that would ask the lives of followers to prove loyalty, and belief for a future of a decent cultural context, unrelated to immortality. I have observed orientation to human religions on many occasions.  I was asked to speak to believers in an eastern religion, and did so.  I was not told what to say, but the implication was that I should show similarities between Christianity and the eastern belief.  The meeting was pleasant indeed, beginning with considerable humor.  Many thought that because my name is Lee, that I would likely be Asian.  No one looks more Caucasian than I do.  We were all struck with the similarities between personal feelings about our needs and responsibilities, as persons of faith, but the expression of those factors and circumstances were directed by me to Jesus Christ.  For my friends the direction was toward an idol, and meditation.  That made all the difference.  The one ends with this life, even if the faith placebo is effective currently.  The other will never end, passing through a preparation period to qualify for believer’s transition and status to eternity.  In the beliefs of the Catholic tradition the transition must manage so great differences between mankind and God that Christians may have to experience purgatory so to be purged of some sin that must be dealt with before heaven’s benefits are gained.  Even so the variances that may be found in the expressions of Christian faith make the point that heaven is not achieved through other than the sacrifice of Christ for the sins of the world.  Without this faith, the faith is no longer Christian even if Christ is included.  Islam includes Christ in its order of things, but no one identifies Islamic faith as Christian.  God informs us what must be the faith and conduct that is of God is the only avenue to God for Christian hope (immortality).  The hope of Scripture is the term offered for the yearning of persons to perpetuate their lives in God’s heaven.  Various theories and proposals of persons pointing to the routes to take to heaven are god play.  Godding may become attractive, but it is flimsy.  Factors for the Christian are clear – putting the individual life in the care of Christ by devout faith. A basic problem is that many persons are unwilling to adopt faith.  Faith competency is utterly vital to any consideration and identity of personal experience with God. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020