In the pursuit of the interests of the mind we need to be aware and resolve the variances of meanings, methodologies, presuppositions, limitations, contexts, and values, related to any proposition or chains of propositions.  For those debaters holding the humanistic presupposition that only that which is proven by verifiable evidence is valid for affirmation leading to conclusions and theory, the concept of extra-natural facts is untenable.  For them – to offer truth statement from such an orientation is wishful and/or fanciful.  This affirmation of a system to discover facts to truth is commonly identified as the scientific method.  It is affirmed as authoritative, perhaps the only route to commanding truth.  For many persons working with it, it is presumed to be the only authoritative approach.  This does not mean there is unity in the conclusions formed from hard, verifiable evidence.  We commonly hear authoritative contradictions from scholars.

For persons holding more than this humanistic religion (based on presuppositions about the physical universe), there are other considerations (intuitive or faith based) that are summarized in presuppositions summarized in philosophy (either human or spiritual, with its divisions, one of which is theology).  Basic to Christian theology is that God exists (reality), and that he communicates (registers in some ways with those who exercise faith).  That communication proceeds from Scripture, prayer, preaching, awareness (intuitive to hope, immortality), experience – and all monitored by the Holy Spirit of God. We return to the meaning of intuition.  The factor appears at a high level in the animal world and we sense its mystery.  The drives of the seasons seen in dumb animals sometimes observed by mankind (as seen in the march of the penguins, or migrations of species, and the marvels of even the ant communities), and the sensory mechanisms may be made valuable to mankind (as dogs following a scent).  We could extend the stories of these mysteries.  In human intuitions we perceive peace, freedom, love, self and are willing to fight to gain them.  Why does our intuition yearn for love, the only universal identified in all nations as primary to the perception of life?  In Christianity these intuitions are given life and meaning for purpose to a fulfilling end we call immortality.  We have an intuition for values, even when the values vary and conflict.  We can’t escape the high levels of intuition that offer faith as legitimate force to gain the meaning of life, both mortal and immortal.  We can refuse it, neglect it, omit it, but we can’t ultimately escape it as part of ongoing life.  There is a sense in which a child embraces it as a gift of life, and proceeds from that point to find expression in faith, in the arts, in gracious conduct, in personal growth.  The body grows physically appealing to us to achieve and move forward in mystery.  Similar experience is available to those who choose it in spiritual mystery.  This last has been attested to through generations, including the current era, with witness of fulfillment, comfort, meaning for life, and confidence in the ongoing of life related to God.  It holds that Christianity is not only what an ethical theology would advance in omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, but also holiness, love, compassion/empathy, affirmation, revelation, and redemption.

Physical studies used in attempts to reduce or remove Christian faith have not achieved their goals.  For example, some critics have tried to reduce Scripture by asserting the synagogue movement was not under way during the life of Christ.  Archaeology now affirms that it was well under way in his days on earth.  In my lifetime, resistance to faith has moved from physical history to scientific accents.  In history that is really where the conflict has always rested even if unrecognized.  Those gifted with faith ought to meet the intellectual/spiritual conflict with patience, modeling the Christian life, with learning that discovers insights related to both natural and revealed faith.  Our belief is that God is father of both.  There is much more, but this claim is enough to recommend Christian context.  The witness of more than a billion Christians, of variant intensities of faith levels can’t be denied.  Truth is not measured in statistics, but so large a number of believers, inspires careful seeking for truth in earth’s venue. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020