The media offer considerable space to the assertion that much of man’s problem quotient is the lack of leadership.  There are many titles in the business world related to leadership, often with special emphasis on biographical illustrations.  One was devoted to the application of Lincoln’s example of leadership applied to modern business.  Lincoln advanced the nation with a gifted cabinet, wrangling and ego-driven.  There are many books related to leadership, especially related to the military from ancient times to the present, some so new they can’t be fully evaluated until the test of history has been applied in time. I have: read widely on the subject of leadership; led (for good or ill) in groups and institutions; preached or spoken to audiences on the subject; written a book related to evaluation through the lives of those who follow an identifiable leader; and, continue to believe that success in a context (personal, professional, social, spiritual) may depend upon effective leadership and followership.  If I were to write at length again about the subject, the following themes would be further developed, with additions.

  1. The Qualities to be found in Leadership. This would relate to integrity, personality, energy, believability, tolerances, convictions, values and maturity – with subdivisions of these for clarity.
  2. The Insights to be found in Leadership. This would relate to time perceptions, choices of subordinates, communication skills, orderly administration, envisioning, and their subdivisions for clarity.
  3. The Objectivity to be found in Leadership. This would relate to the management of resources, treatment of opposition, balances of evidence, place of risk, emotion, equality with subdivisions for clarity.
  4. The Analysis to be found in Leadership. This would relate to followers, institutions, social conditions, vested interests, time, needs related to purposes, and the like, with their subdivisions for clarity.

These sections would yield useful information from the past, the present circumstances, and the generation  to be adapted/created.  One of the conditions would be related to awareness in the prospective leader that his personal worth is not related ultimately to this assignment.  Time will run out.  Circumstances will change.  Demands will shift.  A leader in a cold situation may not serve well in a hot context.  I have interviewed persons who have served well in planting churches.  Once planted, they may not have whatever is required to build on it, or sustain it.  Sustainability skills are not the same kind of creative skills as are beginning skills.  Leadership in an area at a particular time may not qualify leadership in another time.  Ulysses Grant was seen as a great leader of the Army that won the American Civil War.  He is said to be one of the poorest presidents.  His failure in the Lincoln vision, largely grew out of the chicanery of men in his cabinet.  Some turned out to be sophisticated criminals.  But, successful leaders choose the right leaders to go with them, if they are to achieve.  Herbert Hoover was a virtual genius in organizing and leading European relief following World War I.  He too is counted as one of the poorest presidents.  He was a man of great integrity and engineering skill.  He was a manager, not an innovator or inspiritor.

There could be a serious argument that Abraham Lincoln was not the leader that he could have been.  He had the needed integrity, the vision, the conviction.  He had a first class cabinet, even though several were egotists, and fussed at him.  He began the war with virtually no navy.  At the end his Cabinet officer had made the United Sates a major naval power in the world.  As in all leaders there is some weakness.  If Lincoln could have found the leader of the Army of the Potomac as someone other than George McClellan, the war would likely have ended in less than half the time it required.  The belief that warfare makes great leaders is not really sustained as a rule.  They were great generals, but that does not form leaders for every context.  There is some specialization.  The most important matter that defines their suitability is in personal character, ability to work with people, personhood that gains loyalty to the cause, and energy to gain the support of others, the resources to achieve, and the wisdom to close when the goal identified in the leader has been achieved, or is in sight.  George Washington had it. Every leader should believe that there is a time to follow another leader. Hopefully both have insight and integrity. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020