There is considerable overlap in many secular and spiritual values, even overlap in emphases.  The spiritual environment is not a secret, and it can be adapted by those who do not engage the author of it.  For the secularist, vital factors are left out from the spiritual context, but the humanistic model can include, and rather effectively employ, many of the values from the patterns of the Christian model. Much of history has been just that, and may have confused redemptive Christianity with attitudes and works.  I reviewed the story of an avowed atheist who raised his family in the Christian context, so to prove openly that unbelievers in God can, without faith, achieve lives of high value and concern for others.  The majority of the population is decent.  Christianity admits that may be done as a matter of propriety for natural life.  It is a differential factor in spiritual awards.  Scripture notes a number of admirable persons, about whom no spiritual evaluation is attached regarding faith.  As important as righteousness and performance of life may be for all persons and communities, they are not in a pattern of approval to immortality.  There are masses of good people who are not members of my family.  The entry to a family is determined by the family, not by ignorance.  God is the Patriarch of the heavenly family, determining membership on his terms.

Christian theologians and biblical students know from Scripture and experience that human works can be excellent, so excellent that they are held in a belief that such performance is a key to whatever heaven may be available to persons after death.  The redemption message of Christ clearly separates mankind’s daily conduct from the first obligation that deals with human depravity, giving way, for the repentant individual, to a new and acceptable relationship with God.  The thief on the cross found his repentance immediately awarded in Christ’s words: Today you shall be with me in paradise.  His story is an analogy for all human experience for the Christian.  The dying thief on the other side of Christ chose the unrepentant route to his death.  Two thieves saw opposite conclusions.  Forgiveness was the factor.  The gift of life would accrue.

However, there are universal concepts and values – with variant emphases and motivations.  I reviewed the sensitive story of an intelligent fellow who, in parenting his handicapped son, decided against the counseling he received (to engage the son in play therapy).  The counseling was well thought through, received from highly educated and interested professionals.  Instead, he chose a deep love, to be shown in his own involvement with the son, and to be guided by the evidences that emerged in that loving environment.  Not only did he find a better development and situation for his son, but became a better man and father in the process – ultimately including play.  Dad changed first.  Evidence is strong that the values of heaven and God, even when practiced without God, have salutary meaning for humanity.  This becomes more and more important to understand as defense of values may lose, even in the academic world.  We have discussed this loss of values on other Pages, especially as the matter relates to the educational systems omitting support values.  In response many persons have suggested that mankind ought to live as though there were a God.   Our response is that we often do just that.  For mortality it may or may not work well.  It fails for claim to immortality.  Some persons do not want any sort of spiritual context in mortal life.

Love, taken as a universal blessing, should be better studied by all persons.  Much secular writing on the theme of love tends to be romantic or intellectually perceived which finds its own context, for good and ill in self oriented human beings.  Romantic love, with its preferred seat in the emotions can be given or taken away.  God’s love, we learn, emanates from his nature, and is a gift to the nature of faith persons.  It is acquired through the mind/soul in assimilation and is never taken away.  It is constant.  It is at the ready.  It has its force, not from temporal emotions but from the new nature of the loving person, so enriches that person and others.  Like nearly all else of value there may be counterfeits giving temporary service, but only God’s values are genuine to lasting.  Even some Christians fumble with God’s love.  They may be somewhat somnolent.  They will answer for themselves, and we do not look to them for understanding. Jesus noted: If persons feel well they do not feel need to seek physicians. (Mark 2:17) *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020