The animal world includes many animals that some persons would prefer to have obliterated.  That list may include species from insects to man-eating mammals.  This is not to say that even some on the list may have some special value.  Mosquito larvae provide an important food source for useful domestic fish species, so have their place in the food chain.  Human beings would likely exchange the benefit for the demise of the mosquito.  It is estimated that there have been identified only about 25% of the species from the earliest meaningful millennia of interest.  A University of Hawaii professor and a Canadian scholar, with a model design, estimated that there have been 8.8 million animal species, of which 1.9 million have been found.  It is believed that new specie might be found in someone’s back yard.  News may report this or that new animal, fish, insect, bird or thing that has not been catalogued heretofore.

For persons of Christian faith, there ought to be appreciation to the scholars, largely evolutionists in orientation, for grouping massive amounts of information so that we may order the creation in some manageable way.  Christians are not so interested in the method God used to gain the animal world presence in various species, as they are to bear witness that it all is from God, and that he continues interest in the outcome of creation.  It is interesting that the early Genesis account follows an order that relates well with the order that science currently espouses.  One wonders why the proposals of creation from divine fiat, or the development by progression of species should determine whether or not there is God – first cause.  Those espousing either theory have difficult questions to answer, since no human person of communication was present at the beginning.  We use what we have, and find faith when the experiences and mysteries work well.  Many careful and competent Christians believe in the evolutionary process, and many believe in the creation by fiat.  The difference is partly generated by the presuppositions that the first chapters of Genesis relate to parable, a literary means of expressing what pertains to the progression of events.  Others presume the theory of immediate divine fiat.  The differences in theories do not answer the point that God is, or is not involved.  The claim or denial of either does not change whatever truth actually pertains to that primordial day when human life visited earth.  I believe firmly that God can, at his own volition, create a reflective mind/soul, and plant it into a reproducing pair of animal bodies either through divine fiat, or by a process of taking an animal, straighten it up a bit, clean up its habits, provide refinement in factors related to his own image (related to special life, values, individual nature, self-consciousness), and put it, alive, in the world as his administrator for created earth life.  Genesis protects his image in the sense of enduring life, reflective thought, creativity, values, education, and responsibility for virtue, shown in service to humankind, and the creation (nature) that is necessary and supports it all – offering progress.  The point is that God is the author, and the living product does not tell him how to gain his objectives.

So marvelous was the assignment that human beings presumed to take over, by violating the appointment as administrator only.  The rebel would take over, so to usurp the creator’s property.  This was done by violating a basic principle of God’s holiness, and truth, a nature of God that can’t be violated so evaluating (judging) that presumption in based on his criteria.  That judgment was attenuated for all accepting the escape in the redemption of Christ, a ransom.  It determined that those who accepted the redemptive plan would recover God’s approval as satisfactory for his fellowship – likely to return to the original purpose for humanity.  Mankind was meant to be God’s thinking friend.  To enjoy that status there must be the truth of recognition about man’s identity, and that immortality’s entrance is provided through Jesus Christ.  Christian faith is that meaningful.  This is only partly revealed, but has its base in God’s love nature, that refuses to let go of humanity, or the creation.  God has called us to be his friends and ultimately identifies Christians as, together, the Bride of Christ.  All this, is difficult to grasp.  We try to express what is stated and implied in Scripture and accented by Jesus Christ.  Scripture informs us that we have little idea of the wonders that are yet to be revealed.  If our thoughts are strained with what we know and surmise, we would be overcome, perhaps in human context unbelieving with the full story. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020