A highly appreciated part of my education has been to learn how to decipher that part that is secular, belonging to a mortal life and habitation, and that which is spiritual, belonging to an immortal life and habitation – and that without losing the concept of wholeness (oneness) for my life.  The natural and supernatural are divisions of lifelife the main point.  The twain, existing together, and if valid, become an important consideration of the functioning of the mind and soul.  One is concerned with nature’s evidence, the other with spiritual evidence.  There is an overlap so that the two venues provide wholeness for one’s life, a matter demonstrated complete in the meaning of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, and what follows in his ministry, death and resurrection.  In Christ, the two factors that encompass our lives and experience are demonstrated, even to birth, growth, life and death to resurrection.  Christ was endowed with both human and divine natures, an issue troublesome to earthbound minds.  It is acknowledged as mystery.  I began occupational Christian ministry earlier than most.  I was twenty years of age, soon married (with my mother’s permission for one under age at that historical juncture), and full of vigor for my work.  I read a great deal from books, magazines, newspapers.  During the seventy-plus years since I have filled files with items that I thought might be useful at some remote future date.  I have a fairly good idea about world politics, economics and values in life.  I feel I can make sound and worthy general statements about various contexts of human society.  I have been informed: that nearly every election is the most important of history; that during many years the world is on the edge of ultimate disaster; that daily and family life has declined in meaning and context; and, that collapse and failure are around most corners for innumerable necessities of life including vital natural resources.  For many old articles I could change a few words/dates/modifiers, and have a relevant piece for today.  Some issues are better, some worse.

Moses and Israel were in deep trouble, in a wilderness, no visible means of support, no land of their own – in short, nothing but God and freedom, each other and a handbook for living that embellished both natural and supernatural themes.  The only real barrier would become the people themselves, including their leaders on occasion, who were not following that handbook.  Guidelines for living were put in commandments, because that was the best way to do it when a million persons were without institutions, moving through a parched land.  It was something like the American Indian tribes, with their chiefs and tribal laws, moving like Bedouins through the American countryside, but with limited order and gratification.  Neighboring Indian tribes were likely the enemies in a casual society.  The white-eyes wanderer added a new threat.

So it was that Moses received the rules of the society – to keep it simple.  Don’t get mixed up.  This animal will not serve well with that one; this garment will serve well, at lower cost, and without undue ostentation if of one flax; and, this word from God is complete in itself, not needing any eclectic solutions or distortions by an alleged god or source.  There is enough for all.  Since there is mature adjustment in a complex world – do not make it more complex.  Make your decisions sensibly, so why would you develop unnatural styles; why would you choose a mate unfitting to your context; why would you not find friendship as a means for getting on with each other; and, why would riches be permitted to prevail over values?  So the questions might continue.  Follow righteous ways, do not get caught in manufactured complexity, and you will find your way.  Even if without your faith, follow this righteousness of balance, of moderation, of love with empathy, and of nature’s balances.  This can be gained with nurture in families, and responsibility in the community.  When these exist almost any general plan can work, for earth, with maturity and service to others.  God’s message is that human success is not enough, even if achieved.  It is God’s fatherly redemptive gesture that provides heaven’s home.  Follow faith as it is outlined in Scripture, and that accents the reiteration of the values and the regularity of relating to God who offers those values.   Without the ministry of Tabernacle/Church the cultural life of the followers of God will become so diluted, changed or abandoned that the most important reason for life, a relationship with God to life is lost or loses its importance.  Vigilance for faith helps mankind find life.  It works when applied. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020