Daily pages of reflection...for knowledge, understanding, to wisdom
Section of The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci Section of The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci

Speed and Status

Section of Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Benedetto Luti, 1715-20

This is a continuation of the theme from this day in the Junior Series of Pages.  The factors related to the issues of that Page must be addressed if we are to find some relief from the current misunderstandings, social tensions, cultural clashes, business uncertainties, human competitions, values that include an understanding of life and God’s evaluations of individuals and the management of society – and all that, for the Christian context of life biblically based.  The competitions now present among us must be turned into cooperation and integration.  (Unfriendly competition belongs to self-dealing individuals, so to exceed or match what that person has done along the way in the progress of life.)  It is clear that God chooses to… Read more


Section of Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Benedetto Luti, 1715-20

Truth is in the nature of God.  Believers in God look to God for truth, and the assurance that truth will triumph.  Truth ultimately wins, and persons who seek truth, live by it, advance its meaning and purpose will be most satisfied with life.  Truth as mankind manages it may not be perceived in the ideal of truth as God is identified with truth.  We fumble with truth, distort it, parcel it in and out of our thought and conduct, assimilate it as we see fit in mortality hindered by ignorance, emotion, and energy.  That means we do not have enough truth in that some truth is boring so passed over; that truth sometimes takes more energy than we are… Read more


Section of The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci

Human beings need each other.  Scripture identified the establishment of the family on Adam’s need for a life partner – intimately-present.  That need could not be less than equal for life functioning, or the problems would have been insurmountable relating to differences between the two with the better equipped giving service to each other.  Further, there had to be enough difference so that in private and social meaning they complemented each other.  Differences do not determine equality status.  This was most obvious in the sexual formation of the two so to reproduce their kind (species) – persons needing one another to perpetuate life.  Matters went well when both persons agreed upon processes for life (solutions/activities) and purposes (values/ideals), and badly… Read more


Section of Noli me Tangere by Hans Holbein the Younger

We need to be reminded from time to time that our day-to-day translations of birth, life and death are often faulty, and do not always serve us well in the completion of various contexts in our lives.  We may follow poor advice because it fits with our current orientation.  In doing so, we strengthen a poor set of factors that may lead to even more complex negative future experiences and beliefs.  That developing orientation may be out of the meaning for what we ultimately want to be and do.  The world looks for chemistry, opportunism, materialism, competition, and winning more than serving.  Distortions are made goals. This may be illustrated in various ways, but the principles apply widely.  The American… Read more


Section of Christ and the Woman of Samaria, Benedetto Luti, 1715-20

Genuine dignity relates to humanity in the spiritual perception.  It is a gift of God related to his creative gesture in the context of mankind.  We are informed that when he made us he included his image in us.  That demands dignity.  We are also informed that he is a spirit so does not have a physical body (visible image) as we do.  (The incarnation of Jesus was an adjustment for mankind as a measure to bridge the natural to the supernatural, but that is another theme.  We in nature could not incorporate spiritual truth without some godly incarnation.)  In nature we presume that an image may be seen, and some knowledge taken from our sense at work.  We learn… Read more


Section of The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci

The following needs to be followed very carefully for understanding to agreement, or dismissal, or rebuttal. Concepts here may be more common than we have communicated, but the proposals have not quite been offered in common context to my knowledge.  I learned long ago that ideas I thought might be original have been considered with some accepted and others rejected – and that sometimes long past with the students moving on from variant conclusions.  The following concepts are offered for consideration. Human slavery found in the alleged ownership of a person by another person is opposed by scriptural standards.  Those ways related to spiritual freedom and human law are found in statements in Scripture – as noted in the verse… Read more

Self Awareness

Section of The Descent from the Cross, Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1435

There is a vital insight in humanity that needs to be a part of parenting education to be well introduced to children beginning in lower school grades.  It should be formed in positive perceptions, and with something of wonder that every person forms differently in the course of life – taking influence from a number of directions.  Genetic structure plays a part for good and ill, as do experience, education, models, energy, inclinations, habits, accidents, friends, family, generation shifting and other factors in each human life.  (Even gossip can be large influence in these other factors.)  If we knew enough we would find that each person is unique in some way from all other persons who relate to that person. … Read more


Section of Noli me Tangere by Hans Holbein the Younger

The mystery of mankind is intriguing, but the mystery of God even more so.  Faith implies and needs some mystery which means there is information unknown and/or withheld from the seeker, perhaps from all seekers, and that without assurance it will ever be found or revealed.  A part of faith is that it will ultimately gain some end-stage understanding.  Mystery related to Christian faith is real, and has a life of its own.  It is not ignorance, although ignorance is a factor in working through mystery for human beings.  Ignorance, in the way we have come to use the term, implies that there is information available that has not been sought, or, at the lowest evaluation has been sought, found… Read more

Role Play

Section of Sistine Chapel ceiling, Michaelangelo, 1508-1512

We return to the theme of role play.  It comes to us from the Trinity of God, and partly explains why God reveals himself as trinity.  Trinity is found in the family – father, mother, child (one family in three persons) and the oneness verified in the various ways available to us and for us in establishing the one and the many – especially illustrated in our DNA.  In the Trinity of God there is the Father taking on the role as Judge (in the assignment of evaluator); the Son taking on the role as Advocate (in the assignment of providing for rescue for defendants in the redemption context); and, Holy Spirit (providing constant nurture of the program of the… Read more

Design and Destiny

Section of The Taking of Christ, Caravaggio, 1602

Regarding human life, mankind seems taken with its length, while God is most interested in its quality.  For eternal God, time is a created factor so receives less concern for him than his functioning in the eternal context.  We can be sure that God understands our necessary relationship with time, and accommodates us in that context.  At the same time, we must accommodate God in the context of eternity.  Perforce our secondary interest is in life quality because we perceive that quality has something to do with the length of life.  That life quality is often disregarded is cause for decline in the intended length of human life.  The length of life for human beings in the physical (animal) context… Read more