This is a companion piece for this date from the dated Junior Page.  Oprah Winfrey, an African-American who emerged from poverty and abuse during childhood years, to become one of the wealthiest women in the world, wealth gained through her work in media assignments, works affirmatively to reduce racial prejudice.  When her work is done, if the flow continues as she has launched it, she may do more for the culture of women and the black race than anyone has done in secular society to date.  It is largely done in an affirmative approach, addressing interests, with a spiritual perception underlying her approach, and in energetic approaches to realism and vision.  It avoids the negative attitude that is advanced by some that the errors and inequalities of the past should be paid for by the present living – commonly seen as victimized people of the past needing retribution in the present.  She seems to have developed a positive approach that forgives or overlooks the past, and works to assure right and respect in the current context.  The ill treatment of some groupings in America (Irish, Asians, Catholics, Mormons, American Indians and others) has been managed rather well in the affirmations of those prejudiced against, including forgiveness, so to manage and move forward for themselves and their progeny.  They prefer to advance and not focus on the past that is pockmarked with footnotes of some of the ugliness of people with people.  The concept of forgiveness and the affirmatives of equality and respect, perhaps even love, is the true spirit of Christianity and ought to be the spirit of all persons as a solution to this area of ugliness in human beings.  Sin against God is managed by God in forgiveness by the one offended, with expectation of righteousness to follow.  The same pattern is the best solution for the sins of mankind against mankind in the present context.

The approach of Winfrey touches a fine line legitimate to life but difficult to manage in a confused and competitive world.  We are wise to define the difference between prejudice and preference.  I have dear friends among African-Americans.  I pray with one of them by telephone every day, usually at 10:00 am – and have done so for more years than I remember.  No one, during our lifetimes and in control of our senses will take that from us.  My family knows not to call me at that time of day.  We both feel loved and respected by the other.  His church congregation is nearly all from his race, and mine from mine.  I chose a wife from the Caucasian race and his was from his race – preference.  Both of us know that either race tends to live in neighborhoods well populated by persons of the same race.  When it comes to leadership the one race tends to prefer that leadership belonging to their race.  There is a feeling of trust that is inevitable when we work with those most like us, so to reduce the barriers from either side.  If we are careful enough we catch on to the difference between preferences without prejudice from preferences with prejudice.  It is clear that Winfrey accomplishes much good using two preferences for her ideals among all races.  She is female so creates a formidable force among women, most women, for the improvement of their lives.  She is a black American, so accents activity relating to the context of her race.  Although the reality seems to show some preference it does not show prejudice.  Those who may, through prejudice, try to reduce her meaning to society, the benefit falling to other races is beneficial, if for no other reason than to reduce racial and gender prejudice by improving circumstances without riding on the victimization context that has exacerbated prejudice in the move of society toward equanimity for all people.

Children’s hospitals have focus of preference – children.  Other age groups can do the same if they wish. Sanitariums once served tubercular patients, and played an enormous benefit by accenting one focus, so to leave others to find solutions without the interference of this infectious disease.  Society has permitted foundations to accent this or that preferred direction, so to address a specific need that may have been inadequately attended in the course of larger society.  One way the ugly face of prejudice in society may be changed is to differentiate prejudice (inappropriate) and preferences (appropriate to degree) so to be truthful and contributing the most to all, and living respectfully together.  Manufactured rage affects all of us. We can expand or limit institutional services so that the needs of all persons are addressed.  We need courage and energy with insight to cultivate victorious lives.  God expects us to seek wisdom for life.

*Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020