Whatever we need to meet daily living circumstances and nature’s objectives for earthly life is available to us, but we fumble with the matter of putting it all together.  The resources of nature and the context of human rights, drawn together by the affirmations of love that create care for others ought to be enough to make of us problem solvers – to the level of ability with some energy and authority and some acceptance that we can generate to serve the needs and rights of mankind.  It should not be too difficult for the mass of human beings to choose fairly good health, low accident rates, peace and love orientations for families and nations, and happiness without excess (ethical) or overreach (moral).  This last refers to seeking elusive ecstasies as so many persons try to find in debilitating habits.  The list of dos-and-don’ts grows long for human beings obedient to the creation – as the creation is related to created mankind.  Even with exceptions to the patterns of nature that God appears to permit in the course of life in society and earth, the evidence of possibilities is favorable to gain a fulfilled earth life for earth’s massive population.  We lose it because of undisciplined lives, inaction in the formation of children, false dreams, selfish interests, poor and bad habits – even laziness.  That list too grows long, and suggests that we need help in our earth assignment.  So it was ordained of God that his followers give attention to problem solving on earth.  In that effort the persuasion of the gospel may turn.  Christian concern for earth benefit is a major influence in gaining attention for the Christian gospel.  To be beneficial to earth may mean benefit to whatever follows it.

Even though I believe God is my benefactor in ongoing physical life for me in old age, I don’t believe he would have sustained me if I had not used moderation in the necessary matters and avoided the negative ones.  If I had not lived faithfully in biblical morality, conduct and affirmation offered by God I would have long-ago visited physical death.  Physicians have noted the regimen serving me for life.  This is one of the guidelines given to Christians to solve potential problems.  God has determined that his children’s meaning is not only for meeting the pleasure of God, but to be servants.  A Christian is, while in the world, a servant – no matter what other assignment he or she may choose or be given.  The Christian does not measure meaning or worth in the perception of the money amount paid for work assignment, or the value attached in the volume of the work done, or in the popularity of the profession chosen, but in an occupation of needed service to mankind.  Evaluation of that work is God’s province, determined on the continuum of faithfulness.  Further, God does not perceive problems as offensive but matters to be solved.  Since human problems often open our minds to spiritual problems, the address of those problems suggest address to the others.  There will always be problems in one area that relate to problems in the other.  As we fumble with the one we may fumble with the other.  If we are problem solvers in the one we are more likely to become problem solvers in the other.  Many missionaries have gained a congregation in teaching the local population how to dig water wells, or to care for children, or to build a needed community building – including a church.  Christians are citizens of heaven called to be servants of earth.  That means of course that God has made as a high order of worship, obedience to service that carries the concerns of mankind.

Vital to the matter are the attitudes of both the persons serving and the persons served.  If the serving persons are offended at problems and complaining of the regimen to which they are called, the service falls flat but does accomplish some context for servant-hood.  The Christian yearns to find a need to serve and feels honored in gaining an assignment frim God’s care.  Receivers are best when they learn of the humility of the givers in motivation which relates to thankful acceptance of duty.  This attitude is seen in the loss of a nation in assisting other nations, only to discover that the aided people do not like the donor nation.  The problem, although alleviated, has not been solved.  The persons/nations aided have not sensed the respect, the equality, the grace, the altruism of the aid.  They feel the big group up there has reached to the little group down here and the virtue is disregarded.  Jealousy may follow, differences accented, and the history of nations tells the story of the lost meaning of servanthood from God.

*Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020