It is likely that most formally educated persons who are Christians, or devoted to any religion positing an omnipotent God, wish they could provide scientific proof of God.  This is not so important to the person of faith, but it would be comforting to provide to the naturalistic mind evidence that is fitting to the scientific pattern of verifying truth.  Over the long history of the church there have appeared arguments for God – as in the design of creation concepts.  We believe there is divine intelligence because of the design in nature.  But the secular scientist may argue that he has difficulty in believing in design.  Where is design in the earthquake, the tornado, the tsunami?  For the person of faith, these storms are a part of the design.  The design of the human body does not rule out the diseases that destroy it.  God takes credit for the affirmatives, and takes responsibility for the negatives. (Exodus 4:11)  We may have to live with a definition of order that includes the storm.  Despite objections to design for creation, scientists are so committed to some design that they object to miracle that does not fit the design they do posit.  If God is going to interfere by miracles while we follow orderly study, how can we get on with research and discover information that will hold up?  To walk on water or multiply fish on a table will not fit the design of nature’s cause and effect – too confusing.  The idea of miracle angers some persons.  Einstein said that God doesn’t play dice with the universe.  Neils Bohr, also an eminent scientist in the league of greats, responded to Einstein: Quit telling God what to do.  Good advice implied.

The deeper scientists advance in search, the greater is the possibility that there may emerge proof acceptable to all that there must be intelligence out there.  Einstein refused to believe there was anything faster than the speed of light.  There is now evidence that there may be a speed a hundred times faster, or even faster into thousands of times.  That is the direction, into spooky behavior, that quantum physics may take the researcher.  Even field contradictions, at the time of this writing, are intriguing.  One writer stated: Some philosophers see quantum phenomena as a sign of far greater unknown forces at work and it bolsters their view that a spiritual dimension exists.

Studies into real but invisible forces are growing.  We know, from experience and Scripture, that God is invisible.  Perhaps the studies of realities we know exist in the invisible, will give us more information about God.  Whatever it is that is emerging in science is exciting, but the person of faith does not wait until all natural information is in.  What science would our forefathers have used?  What theories would have served them well enough to give relief, peace, a sensible cause for the universe as well as themselves – and promise of a divine Father?  If God can send a person, named Jesus Christ, out of prophetic history and promise; and, if the message and experience he clarified and provided gains solutions, why would we not accept and apply the promise of divine experience to life and conduct?  Invisible God was made visible in the incarnation of Jesus.  We may feel that this is odd of God.  However, nothing better has ever been offered to mankind.  Courage that faith gives, prayers that solve problems, hope that promises life, and so much more become daily experience in Christ.  A purpose of Scripture is to assure us that the proof of God is not in the patterns of natural train of thought.  The only way an earth person will ever experience the sublimity of God is to find that interpretation accounting for the creation in different presuppositions.  The heavens declare the glory of God and the earth shows his handiwork – his creation.  Some believe all this came from itself in some great cataclysmic event.  Christians believe it generated from God, even if by cataclysm.  Peace. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020