This list picks up from Volume 2.  101. Blessed are they who see things as they are, and as they ought to be.  102. Blessed are they who have a loving prayer partner.  103. Blessed are they who turn criticism into analysis to be checked for truth.  l04. Blessed are they who have a caring pastor in their lives.  105. Blessed are they who believe it is better to give than to receive.  106. Blessed are they who do not turn concern into worry.  107. Blessed are they who celebrate life.  108. Blessed are they who live in a context of prayer.  109. Blessed are they who do not permit negative attitudes of others to set their own life contexts. 110. Blessed are they who learn how to sing heart songs without sounds. 111. Blessed are they who use well their skills and talents. 112. Blessed are they who never give up except when God asks for surrender. 113. Blessed are they who accept the mysteries of God. 114. Blessed are they who are not put off by the mysteries of man – or God. 115. Blessed are they who have patience with others, and with themselves.  116. Blessed are they who see the mature person in the child person.  117. Blessed are they who treat the Lord’s Day differently than other days in the week.  118. Blessed are they who reverence God in their speech, and retain high standards in their speech with mankind.  119. Blessed are they who know their weariness is for work well done.  120. Blessed are they who treat all persons like Jesus did.  121. Blessed are they who remember that the lasting Sun shines just beyond temporary clouds of doubt.  122.  Blessed are they who ask questions.  123. Blessed are they who answer questions with care.  124. Blessed are they who value time for themselves and others.  125. Blessed are they who believe they have grown in a factor of life and faith this day.  126.  Blessed are they who pause for some period of devotion to God each day. 127. Blessed are they who pay attention to statistics, but do not believe all of them. 128. Blessed are they who believe that everyone has favorites. 129. Blessed are they who have a genuine sense of beauty. 130. Blessed is the family when Mother and Father are best friends. 131. Blessed is a family, a community or institution made up of problem solvers rather than fault finders. 132. Blessed is the family and community when their growing children quickly overcome misdirected rebellions.  133. Blessed are aging persons who followed good habits when they were young.  134. Blessed are they who are found faithful.  135. Blessed are they who rightly inspirit others.  136. Blessed are they who increase, without decreasing  137.  Blessed are they who practice high values.  138. Blessed are they who talk to children.  139. Blessed are they who forgive the past.  140. Blessed are they who have caring teachers.  141. Blessed are they who fulfill trust.  142. Blessed are they who put love first in relationships.  143. Blessed are they who form worthy goals.  144. Blessed are they who learn from their experience.  145. Blessed are they who learn the benefits of good humor.  146. Blessed are they who avoid crudity.  147. Blessed are they who do not use gender or race as cause for tension.  148.  Blessed are they who see truth and love as vital to the health of life and society.  149. Blessed are they who are committed to peace.  150. Blessed are they who recognize the importance of small matters to life and society.

Perhaps a change in style may accent the importance of what we do here.  Blessed are those who follow the implications of the following: 151. If everything is working well, don’t change it.  152. If the proposal is new, test it with a second look.  153. If monetary profit is the only motive, it isn’t worth the effort.  154. If there is hope in it, it deserves attention. 155. If it is old, there is likely a lesson in it.  156. If it is family, there is duty in it.  157. If after careful consideration it is still iffy, don’t do it.  158. If the information has to be yelled, it is either wrong or not useful unless there is imminent danger.  159. If sincerity were the test of right, Hitler would have won.  160. If a questioning person is sincere there is at least a spark of wisdom. 161. If I think I am too old, I probably am.  162. If I do not improve my mind, I am marking time.  163. If I do not pray, I tend to take chances.  164. If I am known for the person I am, there is no doubt about whose side I am on.  165. If hard truths are to be told, they can be told compassionately.  166. Following some proverbs helps in following life’s main route of thought and conduct.   Remember throughout that no one captures the fullness of all that is applied in the above.  It is the direction one takes that counts with God. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020