This list picks up from Volume 3 for this date.  151. If everything is working well, don’t change it.  152. If the proposal is new, test it with another look.  153. If monetary profit is the only motive, it isn’t worth the effort.  154. If there is hope in it, it deserves attention. 155. If it is old, there is likely a lesson in it.  156. If it is family, there is duty in it.  157. If after careful consideration it is still iffy, don’t do it.  158. If the information has to be yelled, it is either wrong or not useful for me – unless there is danger.  159. If sincerity were the test of right, Hitler would have won.  160. If a questioning person looks closely enough, that one has a god even if that god is self.  161. If I think I am too old, I probably am.  162. If I do not improve my mind, I am marking time.  163. If I do not pray, I tend to take chances.  164. If I am known for who I am, there is no doubt about whose side I am on.  165. If hard truths are to be told, they can be told compassionately.  166. If I can’t repeat a message I just heard to the satisfaction of the sender, I ought to be pause for response.  167. If I am not a loving person, I can learn to become one.  168. If I am to have some control over my destiny I must believe that I can overcome in life’s circumstances.  169. If I am to meet the future I will tend to believe that life is part of the image of God to be chosen.  170. If I believe there are gifts in life, I must open them.  171. If I mean to serve God, I must serve mankind.  172. If I love God first and persons afterwards, the persons are getting more love than if they were first in line.  173. If I am a person troubled by doubt, I want to make sure I also know how to doubt doubts.  174. If I am wise enough I build an album of memories.  175. If I understand well, I feel that I am a part of a mystery that has been written by God.  176. If life is like a baseball game, there are many first base hits and a few home runs.  177. If I mean to be the best parent and friend I ought to ask loving questions about life’s direction.  178. If I understand the implications of Scripture, I may gain more of God’s attention when my circumstances are poor than when they are rich179. If I wanted to feel innocence I touched my babies’ cheeks, looked for a tiny smile, and reveled when they fell asleep on my shoulder.  180. If I listen carefully, my memory makes me hear the music of the great hymns of my lifetime experience – only better than they were then. 181. If I understand the aging processes, it enhances conscious experience in the realization that life is a gift and so to ask forgiveness for any waste of days – to live victoriously for whatever remains.  182. If one is fully blest, that person chooses to have the same family persons in their lives as they experienced.  183. If we understand biblical hope we learn that it is not wishful but immortal. 184. If we are aware of human beauty we know it begins with character and some lightness of being. 185. If we ask poor questions we likely will get poor answers.  186. If we care for others we are likely going to be cared for.  187. If we expect to receive answers from God, we must make some requests.  188. If I follow God’s directives with care I will always find a model pointing to meaning.  189. If I do not drop out of life, I will always feel a need to advance it.  190. If I understand feelings I learn the difference between guilt and aspiration.  191. If I believe in education I am always a student knocking on my own door.  192. If I take life seriously, but with a smile for life, I gain a sense of meaning.  193. If I want to learn obedience to the biblical guidelines I begin with: My Father Who art in heaven. (Remember your assignment to add: #194-200)

The above proverbs are longer than most modern proverbs, but fitting style to those we find in Scripture.  They are not as catchy as the simple declarative sentence so take time for review.  Proverbs, if made by a person seeking righteousness and meaning, help in following life’s main route of thought and conduct.  It would take more than a lifetime to ripen them all, but that doesn’t prevent us from walking as far as we can, and, in the end, to be carried the rest of the way.  The list is a help in early application and guide to work through.   We begin so to get on with life, and arrive at a safe haven in the gracious provisions of Jesus Christ, in the will of the Father, and by the administration of the Holy Spirit.  With the Spirit guided life, the information of Scripture, the determination of prayer, and the faithfulness of commitment, the Christian life and award follows – if we take this on.   (Whew! Wipe brow here, but remember assignment: #194200.)

*Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020