In the tradition of the Biblical Proverbs, several embellished in the Pages, these concepts have been helpful in my life.  We are partly formed by well-cast proverbs – and sometimes by those poorly cast.

  1. The Wise Person Raises Questions About Doubts as He or She Does About Beliefs.
  1. The Wise Person Knows That Those Who Seek to Believe Will Believe, and Those Who Prefer to Doubt Will Doubt.
  1. The Wise Person Does Not Measure One’s Love Quotients from the Love Quotients, Even From a Loving Family but Seeks to Model Divine Love Observed in Christ.
  1. The Wise Person Sternly Projects Self, under God, Upwards to Improved Ends.
  1. The Wise Person Attends to Admirable Models With Commendable Practical Aspirations.
  1. The Wise Person Loves Truth, Which Implies that Person Also Despises Falsehood.
  1. The Wise Person Seeks Peace, With Self and Others.
  1. The Wise Person Treats Money as an Important Tool for Service.
  1. The Wise Person is a Problem Solver, Not a Problem Reactor.
  1. The Wise Person Inspirits Others, in Life, Fellowship, Joy, Courage, Love and Prayer.
  1. The Wise Person Maintains Integrity in Conduct and Thought.
  1. The Wise Person Recognizes and Proves that Work Is Vital to the Meaning of Mankind.
  1. The Wise Person Believes in the Kingdom of God in Christ as the Final Destination for Mankind.
  1. The Wise Person Guides Faith and Practice by the Christian Scriptures.
  1. The Wise Person is Faithful to Self, Family, Friends and Neighbors.
  1. The Wise Person Believes in the Responsible Equality of All Persons.
  1. The Wise Person Believes That All Human Matters, Including Self, Can Be Improved.
  1. The Wise Person Believes There Will Be Accounting for All things Done, Whether for Good or Ill.
  1. The Wise Person Believes Righteousness is the Measure of Self and Society.
  1. The Wise Person, under God, Commits All Things for Administration to the Perfect and Divine Gentleman, the Lord Jesus Christ – by the Agency of the Holy Spirit.

Underlying every responsible life there ought to be a consciousness that this natural life context is a time of formation, in the body of mother-nature, so to be born into the Kingdom of God.  That Kingdom will be a creative experience at higher level, with more resources, than is the case in the sample experience of creation.  It is helpful to remember that the natural was created by the Supernatural. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020