Scatological is not a word used commonly, but is understood in circles that study human thought processes and related human action.  Generally the word relates to a preoccupation with obscenity.   Obscenity refers to a quality of offensiveness, even revulsion, and refers to behavior, in expression or appearance.  These are presumed to be unacceptable to general standards (or ought to be), and are often perceived as loathsome to the senses so are seen as indecent in that, by them, persons may be incited to thoughts/behaviors socially unapproved.  There is an additional factor for the Christian in that some human behavior, included under this rubric, is spoken against in the Bible, therefore is sin.  It is to be avoided, but if engaged needs forgiveness from holy God.  That forgiveness is followed by improved thinking and conduct on the part of offenders.  It is assumed from Scripture that improved standards serve for better culture and life.

Our topic here is pornography which, from the widespread use of the Internet, has become commonplace in general society.  Although a strong preoccupation with men, women are increasingly accepting it for themselves, or as a part of the male mystique.  Ross Douthat, an editor of Atlantic magazine, appears to accept pornography, has used it on his own, and believes that virtually all males engage in it.  To that I, and many of my friends, take umbrage. I take great pains to avoid it, avoid learning how to access it on my computer feeling that much of the gossip materials, advertisements, shows, even standard news provide more pornography than any person ought to be subject to.  Pornography is, or ought to be, actively avoided by insightful persons.

It is interesting that in much of the non-academic literature, resistors of pornography are presumed to be on another planet, and lacking mature standards.  Douthat writes: . . . the spread of pornography means that we’re just taking a turn, where sex and fidelity are concerned, toward realism, toward adulthood, toward sophistication.  All we have to give up to get there is our sense of decency.  Should we give up or amend our sense of decency?  If so we are on a slippery slope.  The old girlie magazines have become highly graphic.  What follows?  I have been a counselor of married couples, divorced or widowed persons, and many who never married.  I have yet to find anyone engaging pornography who was proud of it as proper behavior.  Some were even troubled by photographs of models in the media advertising lingerie.  They want a way out of their preoccupation.  Why does pornography become so engrossing that it dilutes humane values?  It violates life relating to decency in family legacies, and the education of children to the proper place of sexual conduct reserved for marriage.  I found no one with high values who would approve for a daughter or son to engage in any production of pornography.  Why was I asked to assist in a committee to find a way to reduce pornography in a major city by officials finding it a problem requiring special policing?  Profiteers assert that pornography is only entertainment.  Media usage of any sort to an audience is always an educational tool in some way.  The dispenser is always teaching.  Experience teaches, and may trap the individual.  Media educates, even if involuntarily, for good or ill.  Pornography is irreverence to humanity as oaths irreverence God.  Truth is distorted.  Truth is sometimes overpowering, or is diluted, but truth is liberating in all.  One of the basic appeals of pornography, and the sex industry, is related to the appeal to the prurient side of human beings that makes it illicit for persons and society.  The distortion it visits on the beauty and propriety of the beautiful and fulfilling love gestures of the marriage bond is not well perceived.  Careful Christians avoid defiance of modesty and privacy. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020