Christian students are especially alerted and comforted when the research/studies of both value centered institutions/researchers/scholars (that include Christians) and science/secular centered institutions, researchers/scholars (that may include Christians) move toward the same or similar conclusions in their work.  One is reluctant to admit any division between the two orientations in that verifiable evidence tends to drive us in related directions.  To hold faith in God, and values, for some seekers of truth, and exclusive naturalism for others – will inevitably cause some differences between seekers of defensible conclusions from naturalist persons than those from theist persons.  Both orientations would like to arrive, or ought to want to, at the same understanding of the facts.  It is inevitable that, in some contexts, there will be differences.  In common grace, we ought to live with the differences and so we determine directions as we feel compelled.  Differences should not be permitted to create ill will, but offer an atmosphere of stimulation for learning and human problem solving that advances the good and wisdom of mankind in systems of application.  The point made here is that searchers for truth are not engaged in warfare, but in a context of differences that can sharpen the search of both, with the belief that each will look for clarity.  God permits processes, and so should mankind, without backing away from what the individuals believe they have discovered.  There is duty to learn.  Conclusions in some matters will vary inevitably between persons of faith and those of non-faith.  This is permissible, and helps us in living through paradoxes.

At this writing there is considerable agreement among persons researching the effect of cyber technology on the culture and character of the people.  Tech is found to be magnificent in many ways – as reducing the time taken for various matters, like recovery of information, purchase of commodities, sending and receiving mail, providing news, and so the story goes.  The benefits are so great that no one believes that the technology, even with its negative influences, will be banished.  Can it be rightly controlled?  The processes will not only continue, but will intensify to gain objectives. It is likely that the industry providing this technology will argue for freedom of individuals to have open expression as they choose, even if that expression is sometimes damaging to the individual or society.  That damaging us as individuals damages society in some manner.  Virtually nothing mankind does is perfect, and we live with risk in the context.

It is currently claimed that more young drivers are having accidents, causing death, from preoccupation with the use of cell phones, especially in texting, than occurs from excessive speed of the vehicle.  Laws are being passed to curtail the problem.  Such laws may be helpful, but they are like putting a finger in a hole in the dike.  The problem is so much greater, and the solutions are not elementary.  We are told that habits have developed a strong trend toward scatological behavior that becomes ingrained and may change the character of the individuals engaging it.  For example: the invitation to respond to news stories has now evoked messages, so profane, so intensely negative that some psychiatrists have openly noted, from their research, that the new generations are becoming crude, crass, even belligerent in their natures.  They may find it difficult to build their lives in peace and love – so will become abusive, crude, with their families and others who are not a part of their private cultures.  Even youth gangs are using cyber systems to terrorize their communities.  The only known response will be to find the education, values, respect for life, taught by parents, church and schools (if they do) to better things.  Now is always the time for mature persons to advance concepts of respectful relationships for all persons.  The first duty of education is to move students toward the understanding of the uses of the gifts of life in mind and body to proper application.  Education speeds up the maturing processes to wisdom and fulfillment.  Populations sometimes appear too lazy to go for it.  These Pages were written over a period exceeding fifteen years in length.  All have been subject to review and editing a number of times before any large distribution was approved.  In the search for life and truth I have become convinced that the society may be experiencing change in perceptions and orientations with too little attention to the results.  Individuals and society need to revisit social order in a changing world that offers peace, love, progress and safety – to better civilization. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020