We return to the theme of space, galaxies, supernova, dark energy, time – and theories.  Theories vary widely in some contexts, until emerging evidence moves them in proper directions.  About the time there is agreement, new evidence replaces old evidence.  The old remains in some way, but newly discovered evidence move circumstances along in another function or meaning.  For some decades it was felt that the expanding universe was slowing down.  Further, the supply of matter thins out.  Like a balloon, the universe can take only so much expansion and the usable air is lost, perhaps by explosion or contamination.  The newer telescopes, developed in my lifetime, are informing the scholars that instead of slowing down, or even holding, the universe may be speeding up in expansion.  These intrepid researchers continue to look for evidence of time – when did things begin?  It is not believed that the universe and galaxies are eternal.  So there is deep interest in probing to the edges of space to gain evidence of when and how it all began.  They believe revealing evidence proving the big bang theory will be found there.  Since the action has been going on for billions of years, some say, we need not worry that there will be any deadly context of forces in our era – for the universe.  There may be a deadly collision for mankind if a large asteroid hits the earth, so to take all of life.  Accidents do occur.  Some asteroids have hit earth and taken major life.

What has happened to time, which had a beginning and may have an end or change?  What is the source of energy?  Why the great explosions of the supernova?  What is dark matter which is invisible?  Why is only five percent of space occupied by matter as we understand it, and 95% real in empty matter, or whatever it is?  So the story goes.  There is no question but that the story relates to the second largest mystery of the universe, or universes.  The first great mystery, of course, relates to God.  The Scripture suggests that there is a connection in the evidence of the heavens with the reality of God.  The humanist prefers to say that we of earth are shrouded in mystery of the universe, but we shall probe until we find at least more of its secrets.  The Christian jumps to the origin and the end, in faith, that the universe is God’s created abode.  It follows laws, is beautiful in its own way, has been given form, and is not now void.

Following World War II and the expansion of research related to earth and environment scientists became increasingly concerned about the evidence of damage to earth, climate, air and seas.  If continued at the rate they were finding, it would ultimately threaten human life, reducing it to a few tribes here and there managing a simple life.  A long period of adjustments might be made for recovery to a new modern style. Just before the new millennium, the cosmos evidence began to escalate in volume so that the predictions of disaster were drawn closer to current life spans.  At this writing the gloom and doom prognosticators are increasing in number: that the populated earth is on the edge of a period of no return.  If there isn’t near correction we will go beyond recovery.  The end will come not in some great destructive event but in a whimper.  In this pattern we will live for a period in an unresolved declining context to the end of life.

The last book of the Bible is The Revelation, authored by John, the Apostle, while isolated (imprisoned) on the Isle of Patmos.  He was quite old at the time, perhaps in the same number of years I have lived – into his nineties.  He still had his wits about him, was quite resigned to whatever the future might bring and with full comfort about his obedience to the heavenly vision he had written about decades before – in writings we know as the Gospel of John, and letters penned during his later ministry.  He too spoke of endings, and beginnings.  If we perceive success as survival of earth and mankind the Scripture is quite positive.  There will be a renewal of great magnitude, and a population that will not be concerned with a survival mode. The new context will be with ideals and promises offered for life development, righteousness, joy of living, and affirmations to life as it is really was meant to be – sent from God.  The journey to that vision will be harsh in the transition, but the emergence will be triumphal and end the unhappy divisions that not only separate us from God, but mankind from mankind.  God’s first meaning for us – fulfilled.  The humanist prophecy is for the end of the earth and life.  Scripture argues for a new earth and population. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020