The spiritual disease of sin centering in the soul/mind, may be likened to cancer in one of the organs of the body.  Cancer is a problem indicating death if not treated in time and with effectiveness.  I was diagnosed with cancer in 1966, and instructed by the physician to put my affairs in order.  He saw the malignant melanoma as life-threatening for me.  A surgery proved the diagnosis.  Several months later another surgery followed to excise lymph nodes that appeared to be infected.  In 1984, and unrelated to the first cancer, I was diagnosed as having prostate cancer.  This was more serious than the situation from seventeen years earlier.  I sought a second opinion, from a specialist at the University of California in San Francisco.   His prognosis supported the first except that he predicted a more advanced cancer than the first, indicating immediate attention, perhaps too late to avoid metastasis (spreading to other organs).  I checked appropriate literature and discovered there was a new procedure for the recommended surgery.

I announced to the medical group that this was my choice.  I was informed that the procedure had not advanced as yet to their approved listings.  I made clear that I did not want some other, but this – and I was willing to take my own responsibility for outcomes.  They had other requests at the same period so sent one of their staff to Johns Hopkins for prepping on the procedure. Five men were named for the new procedure.  I was considered the least promising candidate, primarily because of my age and test results, whereas number one was the youngest of the five men, best suited for the procedure.  Afterwards I was accounted most successful in the surgery, and number one was the least successful.  One presumption that part of the difference might have been that I was most believing and he the least.  I lived after the surgery, as though I was free of cancer and would live.  He lived for a period afterwards as though he still had the disease.

Scripture informs us that we have a spiritual disease that is deadly.  We are informed that there is a miracle cure in the redemption of Jesus Christ, whose surgery at a supernatural level deals with it.  Because it is spiritual, beyond nature, it must be treated in that context.  It is not a disease that falsely embarrasses, or challenges human worth, or goes away if ignored, or is the figment of metaphysical pundits, or whatever.  It is a problem for mankind, and for the individual soul.  It is available without cost, Isaiah 55:1, and provides health to the spiritual body.  Of course it seems too good, too speculative, for nature-bound persons.  What happens to those who believe this spiritual healing to be true?  Life becomes affirmation.

One might, in the spirit of the author of Hebrews Chapter11 in the New Testament, offer a list of persons, royal to peasant, who in dealing with the issue of depravity (natural tendency), and with sins (common tendency to specific ill conducts and thoughts) list Christians – Christians who by dint of their testimony and thorough investigation have proved their commitment to Christ and redemption through his sacrifice.  For this Page, I chose my own experience.  I was on my way to ill thoughts and conducts for a young man turning 17 years of age.  What I would do nearly every buddy I knew wanted to do, so to show he would take from life and society everything he could get to meet self-interest.  A minister, a faithful witness, not excellent as one might evaluate his training and talent, was effective in letting me know I had a problem that needed to be acknowledged to God in Jesus Christ.  By repentance and faith I was awarded the gift of forever life, and, I discovered, a better natural life.  For decades it has worked in all matters for me.  In that faith experience I have gained lasting peace, hope, love, work and blessed context for life.  Spiritual surgery was performed – for life meaning.  What does one do who gains such satisfaction, survival, family, direction, hope, and meaning?  At the least, it seems to me, that person ought to articulate the news of the experience so to offer option to those who listen or read to that which they have for themselves currently.  Perhaps they have not heard that there is the good news of the gospel that offers a life worth living.  For the thoughtful, there is a nagging of meaning for life.  Christ speaks to this matter of meaning, and provides the resources to fulfill that meaning which is life forevermore so to honor God in his lasting creation, not for the biology, but for the spiritual reality of the image of God in mankind.  Such a perception and interpretation deserves attention for a yes or no answer, and assumption of personal responsibility. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020