Time measure for life changes is in parts: 1) life develops in increments (small changes, likely imperceptible); and, 2) large changes (often strikingly perceptible).  This dual time pattern occurs for individuals, companies, nations, and other entities – even nature.  Change in the earth occurs daily in so small increments that we do not detect that shifting without precise measuring tools.  Large changes do occur in dramatic weather: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and fires that may alter climates and lives for centuries.  What took centuries to develop may be changed in minutes.  We may be inept in processing either the small increments or large for human good.  Left to themselves, both influences take directions which often fall to man’s disadvantage.  But persons can, by incorporating attention, energy and wisdom to the purpose, use both small and large changes for improving life and experience.  It is important to remember that even small increments grow large eventually in changing life and habits.  Processes, large or small, bear strong influence in the end, for good or ill.  The concepts ought to help us in life concerns.

Without understanding, we may permit incremental influences to take their own direction, with the result that these are not used for their best growth and meaning.  Further, the process seems natural for us, even if it does not go well, so that we give little attention to the opportunity to make large changes which might vault us forward.  In life, large changes for society occur in depressions, in warfare, in pandemics, and the like: or, in the affirmative, there are economic surges upward, or success in a venture like the discovery of a great resource.  For individuals also there may be large shifts, made suddenly – in death or illness, in a marriage, in the birth of a child, in the gaining or loss of a job, in graduation from school, in an inheritance – or because we choose to make perceptive change.  While all this drama is going on, the larger play is being worked through in bits and pieces, which amount to more for life than dramatic events easily recalled.  Life is meant to incorporate both time dimensions, and persons ought to conduct their lives in careful management of both large and small.

Revival/renewal vaults the church’s life to a dramatic upward lift.  Because incremental influences are nearly imperceptible, and get away from us, we need, from time to time sudden, renewal, or revival, or restoration, or renaissance to correct negative directions.  The people of our text lost their way in both large and small.  All of us need course corrections, especially in our youthful years that may have been caught up with distractions.  Most persons seem unwilling to make the effort, to do what they need to do to give refreshment pattern to their lives, their thinking, their conduct, and move forward.  For many years at eminent Christian conference grounds, I served annually as guest speaker.  Each year there were persons returning for the specific purpose to find something more for their marriages and families, or to make life adjustments.  Some stories they shared with me remain vivid in memory, many dramatic indeed.  Such renewal is vital in the development of life, or we may fall in delay.  Time can never be recovered.  We win or lose with what we do with it – now.  That should be a standard focus in every person for self- improvement, for spiritual growth and meaning.  On occasion, as Scripture has it, the call is for immediate action.  When it happens for good there appear almost miraculous elements in it.  We are at our best when we do what must be done with care (related to love). *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020