This is the date in the Today’s Page series used for the day we call Thanksgiving, an official American holiday, although the factor, for many centuries, has identified devout persons.  The concept hints an impression of peace, health and prosperity.  It is accented in the Bible, and in the history of peoples as an instruction of God to mankind, even when situations and contexts may have been reduced from the expectations that giving thanks may imply.  In America the Pilgrims were faced with reduced circumstances, with some fear of the native peoples, with the deaths of a high percentage of their numbers in the preceding year on the rock bound coast.  President Washington called for a day of Thanksgiving when the newly minted democracy teetered along to gain footing in the world.  President Lincoln, some days distraught, made the day official in the middle of a war in which American soldiers, north and south, were murdering each other.  It all seems like contradiction, but is, in actuality, paradox – seeming like contradiction.  Long ago, studies established that the thanksgiving spirit is important to health, attitude, happiness, and various beneficial consequences for those who possess it.  It is defended even when ideal perception does not focus on God as the author of all blessing, something unmerited that comes from the care of God, or whatever arouses the best in mankind cultivating proper humility that helps advance human elevation and relationships.  There is proper humility for persons in genuine thanksgiving.  Humanists may substitute meditation for all this.  Thanksgiving spirit even when without faith becomes a blessing.

At some point, even for the thoroughgoing humanist there is a feeling that one is made better in giving thanks, even if it appears to be hypocritical under the gaze of analysis.  Without God, whom do we thank?  There is an element, in analysis, in which we may be thanking ourselves.  Things have moved along, so we make sacrifice to mankind.  Part of this is seen in the large effort that goes into providing a bountiful and traditional dinner to the hungry in our communities.  We know the human situation has not been entirely fair, and we make gestures that relieve our concern about the distortion.  The hungry are thankful that someone cared enough to provide a meal, somewhat sumptuous, for today.  Tomorrow they will be hungry again, but today they are thankful.  They feel better for it.  Even Scripture acknowledges the point.

Thanksgiving is a faith builder.  At least it causes us to give some thought to God.  It is funny to leave God out of Thanksgiving.  At least it is for faith persons.  They want to be logical enough to express to someone a thanksgiving that has relevance.  It becomes something of legal spiritual tender to acknowledge the better part of whatever there is outside self.  Tracing thanksgiving in the New Testament one finds: 1) -that grace is made more abundant by thanksgiving (2 Corinthians 4:15); 2) -that we are enriched, to bountifulness, through thanksgiving (9:11); 3) -that prayers are given force with thanksgiving (truth of source) (Philippians 4:6); 4) -that it is an integral factor in maturing faith (Colossians 2:7); 5) -that it provides balance in relationships to those who serve us (4:1-2); and, 6) -that it keeps us from fanaticism about anything, inviting God to care for us (1 Timothy 4:3-4 – repeated).  All this is topped off with the eternal possessions of: blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.  (Revelation 7:12)  (Take time to check the verses.)

The Revelation passage puts the factor of Thanksgiving engagement into an eternal context.  Thanksgiving is a part of the human/spiritual compound of immortality/eternity, even daily worship.  It partly honors us in that it will never be lost.  We will always have evidence that says to the universe that God is God, and mankind is mankind, but those engaged in thanksgiving are of the fraternity of those who have accepted the truth, whether we are in bounty or in want.  Devotional persons turn to prayer, to building up faith, to habit of empathy, and to humility.  There is mystery in it that Scripture identifies it as sacrifice.  We no longer offer blood sacrifices.  Jesus fulfilled that.  Thanksgiving carried over to the New Testament.  Even Christ offered thanksgiving. We follow the model he offered in his life.  God includes us in prayer. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020