One way we evaluate ourselves is in acceptance of others – virtually all others.  The highest ethics hold a standard for all, and presume favorable response from all.  Not to accept others is to announce that we do not believe that God made persons and made them equal to each other.  Inequality is introduced when the standard is violated.  Equality as a fact of God to belief has a great deal to do with the way we see ourselves and others.   Violation of the ideal freedom (that is all are equal to the same life privileges and benefits in a context of society), would hold values as optional; that equity is of no regard; that there is no level playing field; that personal excellence can’t be summarized for all; and, that these inferences can be extended to reduce the perfection of God – so we lose objectivity to differentiate faithful from unfaithful.  Faithfulness is vital to God.  There is full and excellent conduct, unified, and defined for all persons, but flawed humanity does not meet that excellence.  The biblical writers urge God’s faithful to reduce distortions, errors – conduct that leads to tension and ill reputation, even by the limited perceptions found in general society.  We are to be concerned about our reputations, and do, within reason, what must be done to protect others, as related to righteousness (rightness).  Equity among persons is part of rightness.

It takes something special to gain the attention of persons to the serious, complex, matters that define good life, both spiritual and physical.  In this is health, understanding, application, spiritual context, all bathed in mutual respect (based in love) that is arresting.  Christians are instructed to live so fully in their spiritual integrity and love quotients that other persons will take notice, to the end that they seek life changing experience for themselves.  Scripture implies that some persons will live so carefully, under the nurture of godly context, they will be asked what it is that makes them the persons they have become.  It is then the person may be eloquent with words to inform the seeker what is Christian life, how it is accomplished, and what ultimate benefits may be expected.  In this is the open secret of lives like Mother Teresa or Paul, the Apostle.  The integrity of their lives held them even when they were pressed to back away from the discipline they imposed on themselves.  They became world Christians, but not worldly.  Much of what disappoints us, in ourselves and others, is a mixture of spiritual with carnal that makes an odd brew for life.  We were meant to decide for self and clarity on one side or the other.  In the current national news there is the story of a young woman who at 27 years of age is said, by many near her, to be a Christian, and practicing those values.  At this writing she is under house arrest for several matters – personal issues, and violations of law.  She will go to trial in two months.  Her life appears so contradictory that what guided her in Christian values with those closest to her was lost in a public life that makes her appear, at this writing, to be a hypocrite – with serious consequences in the future.  Hypocrisy is strong evidence to God.

Persons may respect Scripture, but defy what Scripture means.  Scripture provides the story of redemption for humanity, and a pattern of life reflecting honor to God in righteousness.  It may be put under a microscope to find a presumed fault here or there, or even support of something persons want to hold for themselves, but they lose wholeness related to it.  They pick at Christian history to play games.  I have read much about the Shroud of Turin, but would like to see a careful analysis of it in the statement of Scripture that the cloth about the head of Christ was separate from the wrappings of the body.  The Shroud is one piece for the entire body.  In all the fuss the message of the resurrection and its meaning may be lost.  In discussing the jots and tittles of Scripture we must not lose the meaning in language shifts.  Christians are called of God for the fullness of truth to conduct.  In this we learn how God uses righteousness in all things, including our experiences, to join life to his holy nature.  In the perfection of God granted to us in understanding to enrich and educate our Christian lives, we are given choice to develop life quality.  The journey is rewarding. To violate principles of righteousness, and/or to teach against them is tantamount to denying God as he is – holy.  That possibility of violation rightly causes fear for those with understanding of the nature of God, and that God is concerned with any lie or distortion about his person.  The defense of God’s Person for holiness was cause for Jesus to show divine anger on the Temple grounds.  His concern about distortions relates to listeners who are offended so backing away from faith. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020