If Christian Scripture is true in its spiritual claims, there is no natural way to verify the claims.  By natural we summarize to mean scientific.  Science is basic in its initial simplicity for mankind in nature.  It theorizes (hypothesizes about what may be true); collects factual materials (replicated by others); experiments (to find out what are the true results related to the hypothesis); and, concludes (so then states whether the facts support the theory, or prove that it is nul, which is to admit the hypothesis was incorrect, or unproved, or that it indicates something unknown before the hypothesis).  Fields dealing with other than elements of nature must manage with less precise materials, and conclude as best the materials indicate, what must have been the lessons of the study and at the time/extent of it.  Physical sciences belong to the first group and social sciences belong to the second group.  Tension arises in the jealousy about the higher precision of the physical sciences over the social.  As the social sciences depart in explaining the universe along the continuum from probable physical proofs toward less probable physical proofs, there arises tension between the advocates of the areas, especially with those at greatest distance from each other.

The differences are found in part because: 1) – some (not all) physical scientists are so orthodox in their belief in a system of discovery and accounting for all things that any other explanations for some spiritual  or natural matters, are presumed to be artificial, perhaps superstitious, or illusory;  2) – some (not all) social scientists are supportive of either the right or left groups on the continuum, and tend toward variant conclusions dependent upon related presuppositions; and, 3) – theologians (not all) who believe that the humanistic, sometimes anti-theistic statements of physical scientists (not all) represent differences that question, sometimes threaten, human faith in God.  There is no attempt here to defend scholars or lay persons in any field, who speak out of ignorance, anger, or suspicion.  Truth is the high goal of the objective persons in any context of life and nature.  Physical scientists seek truth and understanding in the common grace of God (nature to them), not in the larger grace of God (supernatural, which is beyond nature).  The first deals with neutral phenomena from beginning and the second deals with living – values, aspirations, character, righteousness, and the like – with an ultimate concentration on hope which is related to immortality (extra-nature). For Christians, life is a God factor, only partly gained in the facts of nature.

Christians have no problem, or should not, with any scientist who permits physical facts to support, even speak, for them, and when verified, to speak for colleagues in the search for truth.  The Christian believes there is more to life than verifiable physical facts, especially when they relate to human life and behavior – the burden of historians, sociologists, psychologists, theologians, and other fields.  There is vast disagreement in every field whether dealing with themes natural or supernatural.  On the continuum of social scholars there are included persons of faith who find life not only manageable and tolerable but visited with love, hope and meaning.  The hope factor (immortality) differentiates the person of faith from others, persons/scholars who do not hold faith.  The fields are divided from the thoroughgoing Christian in that the highest belief of the Christian, as relates to mortality is immortality.  Here is the difference.  The sciences show that mankind is unique in the known part of the universe.  Nearly everything in the nature of things suggests we are incapable, on our own, to have hope beyond the grave.  If there is hope it must be found in mystery, and persons of faith accept that huge mystery.  We overcome human insufficiency in a belief in redemption, accomplished by Jesus Christ as stipulated in Scripture.  Redeemed Christians find faith fills the void.  Christians learning the limitations of a natural world to go beyond itself rests in revelation from God, through a faith that simply trusts God.  It is a position that is blessed of God who knows that it is open to doubt (skepticism) by earthbound persons who respect the world system – which is so much with us.  With exceptions, Christians are not usually called to apologetics for the faith they hold, but to declare and live its menu of belief/conduct.  Persuasion for the Christian is demonstration that faith works in natural life, and prepares for a spiritual life following. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020