Those who appear to know the most about human beings argue for wholeness, for unity of person/life in the individual.  Context, important in understanding related to the presentations of these Pages, is one way of addressing the matter of wholeness.  I spent some hours watching the Dr. Phil show on television.  Dr. Phil began his media experience on Oprah Winfrey’s popular show.  He proved to be so popular that his segment was spun off into a show he hosted.  It is excellent, educational, and sometimes raw in making the real problems of persons known, understood and addressed.  I have given attention to comparing his humanistic approach (not anti-religious), and the Christian (which supplements secular understanding).  Readers of these Pages know about that common grace in the world that makes mortality possible of a good and fulfilling experience, if the best of nature, laws and guidelines are followed, even without spiritual acknowledgment and adjustment.  For those persons following only nature (common grace) processes but without spiritual integrity, matters of death, divine fulfillment of meaning, and the expansion of wholeness (in spiritual growth) cannot be achieved.  The following represents some of what this means.  It is to be remembered that Scripture preceded modern scientific studies into the life and nature of mankind.  Scripture defines it all, perhaps beginning with text quoted above – on inner resource.  How do we mine it?

Human Counsel (-represented in humanism.)

  1. Personal solutions come from the inside out
    Learning to take authority for life discovery
  2. Drives to excesses as drugs, binging, illicit sex, alcoholism, and various approaches including meds, and other aids to healing
  3. Learn about effects and affects – part of the cause and/or consequences as in self, relationships, faulty life, integrity, etc.
  4. Need change and self-evaluation aided by counsel
  5. Choose solutions like forgiveness and practice – even to self-forgiveness; and other recommendations. Forgiveness is vital
  6. Seek to understand what is occurring for self, Avoid or manage factors that distract.
  7. Find helpful habits to overcome. Use meditation, perhaps meds – whatever works
  8. Avoid measuring life by money or celebrity but by positive factors of self-fulfillment
  9. Live as a giving person – enabled to serve
  10. Think as a person desiring to recover, and can do so with health and fulfillment
  11. Find solutions that can be tailored to each personality
  12. Understand that solutions are ongoing solutions are designed to avoid recividism.
Christian Counsel (- in the biblical context)

  1. Proverbs 20:5 – Solutions within, and with counselor/prayer assisting solution
  2. Driven to excesses (sins) that distort human nature so met with penitence, meds, and other aids – healing found in nature and God.
  3. Close problems in penitence, forgiveness, spiritual change – self, relationships, faulty life, husband/wife, or other life issues.
  4. Cultivate maturity and common sense that
    Includes change – continuing self-evaluation
  5. God tells mankind to forgive the way he forgives, so to make it mutual
    Forgiveness is vital for closure
  6. Know self and avoid/resist temptations
    Deal with doubts, and distractions.
  7. Find a way of life that strengthens resolve, like prayer, Scripture and faith
  8. Life/health, relationships and righteousness precede other objectives
  9. Learn biblical orientation relating to service
  10. Sincere seeking of God adds fulfillment and immortal hope to human transition
  11. Solutions are similar, but each faith person finds righteous resolution patterns
  12. There is a personal life regimen to avoid backsliding.  Christian graces

The above parallels might well be extended, depending on the issues addressed.  We observe that biblical counsel is similar to modern and preceded the modern.  The ancient concept of backsliding is paralleled in the modern concept of recividism.  Christians have an added benefit in active aid from God in spiritual helps.  That requires some practice to gain effectiveness in thought/conduct change. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020