Here we divide work from labor, even if the two are used as common synonyms for each other in the minds of most persons.  Work appears to have spiritual dignity in it that enhances human meaning.  Labor often implies pain as when a person becomes physically weary in labor – to the point of pain.  The mother labors to bring forth the child, so she is in pain.  Even God acknowledges her pain, hopefully forgotten when she sees what the labor has wrought in the birth of a child.  Labor invites conflict on occasion so is approached differently than work.  Labor is something that is bought by an employer, work is something that is given by the employee.  There is a common desire to own one’s own business so not to labor for another person, even for a wage, but to work for the objectives of self-giving, especially related to family.  Work seems to have ongoing meaning, so we have the works of a person, as in the arts.  I am in writing this, doing my work – no matter how humble.  The art of it is what it means to me and, perhaps to some who read it, so to make a formative impression on others.  It is not done for profit.  It costs me to market the material. This is not labor, although I may labor over it, and I do ask an editor to also labor over it so as to present my work in best form and language.  Labor will get us to the completion of the work, not subject to calculation.

Jesus had much to say about work – both God’s work and mankind’s.  The story of work, like so much else we have in life is representative of the Kingdom of God.  God works, so we ought to work experiencing creativity in the process.  God parented the creation so there is motherhood/fatherhood in mankind.  God represents himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit: mankind is represented in mother, father and child.  God represents his holiness in his nature in love, peace, truth.  Mankind’s high yearning relates to applying love, peace and truth in righteousness.  So this may be followed along even to the point of finding the communication of life in the blood.  In the blood is a miracle factor of life for mankind.  Little wonder that God, in his propitiation for mankind, accented a meaningful sacrifice related ultimately to the blood of Christ.  The analogy might be extended here of human experience as an illustrative microcosm, or reflection of the ultimate plan of God related to mankind.  Virtually everything we can mentally embrace related to the needs of mankind for life can be found in the living parable of the human being moving toward the image of God.  Scripture represents this in the Christian’s seeking to become Christ-like.

The pattern is so meaningful that the Apostle uses stern warning to Christians that the gospel should not be misinterpreted in the pattern of life violated by so-called Christian friends or colleagues. (I Corinthians 5:6-13 – NEB)  The sincere follower challenges the so-called follower (hypocrite) – even socially such as in eating together in church welfare.  The concept of shunning hypocrites is introduced.  The conduct is not related to non-Christian friends or family members.  The Apostle appears to suggest the above interpretation of Christian conduct when he wrote the first letter to the Corinthians.  He summarized from time to time, and made a firm statement about work: . . . . stand firm and immovable, and work for the Lord always, work without limit, since you know that in the Lord your labor cannot be lost. (15:58 – NEB)  What we are on earth, as the children of God, has something to do with what we become hereafter.  All this is a bit exotic for us, and we cannot explain it to full satisfaction for a doubter, but we relax in that which we know as a child relaxes in the arms of a parent knowing love and confidence that satisfied feeling appropriate to what we feel we know.  Such is the power of genuine faith founded on truth, even truth that may seem ephemeral.

God gave earth the Church (Christians) to do his work in the church (institution).  That institution has sometimes failed as other institutions sometimes fail.  Corporations sometimes fail us, as does family, government, schools or any other institutions.  In actuality, failure is not the institution failing, but the members of the institution failing the institution and persons trusting it.  The wise Christian does not permit status in any human context determine meaning for eternity.  That meaning is determined in relationship to God.  Christians will usually be well-spoken of, if carrying through life that God has given, in taking responsibility by working at useful purpose for mankind and God. *Mark W. Lee, Sr.2016, 2020